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Osebne finance in njihovo spreminjanje v času
Vesna Košmrl Kavka, 2013, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: finančni trg, finančni produkti, naložbe, tveganja, vednejske finance, pregledi, varčevanje
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 3503; Downloads: 194
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Spodbude literarnega ustvarjanja Pavline Pajk
Ana Cukijati, 2009, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: miljejska teorija, literarni vplivi, solkanska čitalnica, ženska literatura, ženske avtorice, diplomska dela
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 4245; Downloads: 99
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Exploring consumer reactions to the recession in Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tomaž Kolar, Vesna Žabkar, Nenad Brkić, Ismir Omeragić, 2012, original scientific article

Abstract: In order to analyze the impact of the current economic crisis on consumers of FMCG products in the Balkan region this paper investigates changes and trends in consumer values and attitudes between years 2007 and 2009 in Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. A comparison of value ranks and factor scores between the two years and two countries shows some significant differences and surprising findings in terms of changes in consumer values and attitudes, which were otherwise expected to be relatively stable over a short time period. In order to provide an insight into questions of if, why and how the crisis differently affected Slovene and Bosnian consumers, possible causes for identified differences are discussed from the theoretical and practical standpoint and several managerial implications are suggested.
Keywords: recesija, porabniki, stališča, vrednote, Slovenija, Bosna in Hercegovina
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 3256; Downloads: 74
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Poklicno delo žensk v slovenski vojski
Vesna Geržina, 2013, master's thesis

Keywords: Slovenska vojska, ženske, matere, družina, spol, napredovanje, zadovoljstvo
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 5242; Downloads: 218
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Pomen franšizinga v mednarodnem poslovanju
Vesna Pandžić, 2010, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: franšizing, franšizne pogodbe, mednarodno poslovanje
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 3063; Downloads: 140
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Genetska opredelitev za meticilin občutljivih in proti meticilinu odpornih sevov Staphylococcus aureus, izoliranih iz hemokultur v slovenskih bolnišnicah, s tipizacijo SPA
Vesna Špik, Irena Grmek-Košnik, Slavica Lorenčič Robnik, Tjaša Žohar Čretnik, Ljudmila Sarjanović, Martina Kavčič, Dušan Harlander, Iztok Štrumbelj, Viktorija Tomič, Irena Piltaver-Vajdec, Jerneja Fišer, Jana Kolman, Manica Müller-Premru, 2009, review article

Abstract: Staphylococcus aureus je drugi najpogostejši bakterijski povzročitelj invazivnih okužb v Sloveniji. S tipizacijo izolatov za meticilin občutljivih S. aureus (MSSA) in proti meticilinu odpornih S. aureus (MRSA) iz hemokultur bolnikov z bakteriemijo iz vse Slovenije v 6- mesečnem obdobju smo poskušali ugotoviti, katerim spa tipom pripadajo invazivni izolati MSSA in MRSA v Sloveniji, kakšna je genetska raznolikost MSSA in MRSA ter preveriti uporabnost tipizacije spa za epidemiološke raziskave S. aureus v Sloveniji. Od 1. septembra 2006 do 28. februarja 2007 smo v 11 slovenskih laboratorijih, ki izvajajo mikrobiološko diagnostiko za 15 bolnišnic, zbirali zaporedno izolirane primoizolate MSSA (največ pet) in zaporedno izolirane primoizolate MRSA (največ pet) iz hemokultur bolnikov. Izolate S. aureus smo tipizirali s tipizacijo spa, to je z določanjem nukleotidnega zaporedja polimorfnega X dela gena spa, ki kodira protein A. Od 58 zbranih izolatov S. aureus iz vse Slovenije smo uspeli tipizirati 54 izolatov. Prevladujoči spa tipi med izolatiMSSA so bili t091, t015 in t005, med izolati MRSA pa t041. Ugotovili smo, da spa tipi, ki prevladujejo med invazivnimi izolati S. aureus pri nas, prevladujejo tudi v sosednjih državah. Tipizacija S. aureus z metodo spa je pokazala veliko genetsko raznolikost invazivnih sevov MSSA in manjšo raznolikost invazivnih sevov MRSA. Tipizacija spa je uporabna tipizacijska metoda za lokalno epidemiologijo MSSA v kratkem in daljšem časovnem obdobju.
Keywords: Staphylococcus aureus, bakteriemija, hemokulture, molekularna tipizacija, tipizacija spa
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 5133; Downloads: 51
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Prescribing of benzodiazepines among slovenian family physicians
Maja Šubelj, Gaj Vidmar, Vesna Švab, 2009, original scientific article

Abstract: Background: In spite of their side effects, benzodiazepines are the most frequently prescribed psychotropic drugs in family medicine. The objective of this study was to investigate the possible association between physician characteristics, practice structure and practice population size with the pattern of prescribing benzodiazepines among Slovenian family physicians. Methods: We studied a representative sample of 100 family physicians using a combination of self-administered questionnaire, demographic data and data on prescribing provided by the Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia. The characteristics potentially influencing frequent prescribing were investigated by multiple linear regression analysis. Results: The estimated annual benzodiazepine consumption in Slovenia is nearly 3-fold lowerthan in the United Kingdom. Benzodiazepines were found to be less frequently prescribed by physicians with lower numbers of registered patients,as well as by female physicians, younger physicians, physicians followig the specialist training, those with short length of service, and by physicians working in large towns of the central healthcare region. The physicians' age and access to computerised decision-making support for drug management at the workplace were found to be significantly associated with increased prescription of benzodiazepines compared to the volume of prescribed psychotropic drugs. Conclusions: The results indicate that family physicians in Slovenia prescribe appropriate amounts of benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepines are less frequently prescribed in practices with less workload, by younger and female family physicians, in practices located in central Slovenia and by family physicians with online access to information at their workplace.
Keywords: zdravniki družinske medicine, predpisovanje zdravil, benzodiazepini
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 5485; Downloads: 63
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Management kakovosti v javnem podjetju
Vesna Ovnik-Malačič, 2007, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: javno podjetje, obvlladovanje kakovosti, merjenje kakovosti, celovito obvladovanje kakovosti, TQM, diplomska dela
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 4742; Downloads: 111
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