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Validation of the inclusive competences scale for educators (InComSEdu)
Tina Štemberger, Vanja Riccarda Kiswarday, 2016, original scientific article

Abstract: The study aimed to construct and validate the Inclusive Competences Scale for Educators (InComSEdu). The basis for item generation was the "Profile of Inclusive Teachers", a document developed by the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education. Items were measured on a 5-point Likert scale. In order to test the validity and internal consistency of the scale, item analysis, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach's - were used. On a sample of Slovenian educators factor analyses proved the InComSEdu had seven subscales: Team working and cooperation with others, Implementing knowledge about inclusive education and support, Reflecting on and learning from inclusive practice, Optimising challenges and approaching interdisciplinary, Accepting professional responsibility for each child's development, Promoting resilience and professionality, and Empowering children's life skills. Results indicate that InComSEdu is a valid and reliable instrument for the evaluation of inclusive competences among educators.
Keywords: vzgojitelji, inkluzija, preschool educators, inclusive competences, scale, factor analysis, internal consistency, validation
Published in RUP: 08.08.2016; Views: 3065; Downloads: 663
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The attitudes of educators towards picture books with homosexual content
Anita Lečei, Tina Štemberger, Majda Cencič, 2016, original scientific article

Abstract: Inclusion refers to the respectful acceptance of diverse modes of being, including sexual orientation as one of the means of its multiple expression. Aimed at the portrayal of the current trends in a highly diversified society, picture books with their explicit homosexual content are growing in popularity. It is evident, however, that the pragmatics of their kindergarten use is still controversial, largely motivated by teachers' attitude to homosexuality as such. The purpose of the presented study, undertaken among the teachers from the Istrian County, was to determine educators' orientation towards homosexually-charged picture books and identify opinion differentiating factors influencing their perception, such as teachers' service length or the degree of the respective urbanization or rurality of the area they inhabit. A questionnaire was devised as a means of data collection. The research results indicate that the pool of 127 respondents was neither fervently pro-or against both the picture books with homosexual content and their kindergarten use as such. Although with no significant statistical differences in the service length, teachers with more extensive in-service experience find it easier to accept homosexual content of the picture books in question but are more reluctant to incorporate their use into their teaching practice. As expected, the higher the level of urbanization of the area educators represent, the more accepting they are. Conversely, the more rural teachers' immersing surrounding, the lower openness to diversity on their part, translating into their diminished readiness to use the discussed homosexually explicit material. Close analytical reading of the study results reveals that for the previously mentioned inclusion to become an integral part of the teaching practice, the system of education has to undergo major changes to provide professional development opportunities for teachers and equip them with necessary tools for the skilled handling of such sensitive matter as homosexuality proves to be.
Keywords: slikanice, homoseksualnost, inkluzija, vzgojitelji, stališča
Published in RUP: 08.08.2016; Views: 5565; Downloads: 393
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Raziskava načrtovanih novosti pri pouku v kontekstu pedagoških raziskav
Tina Štemberger, Majda Cencič, 2014, original scientific article

Keywords: poučevanje, pouk, novosti, načrtovanje, raziskave
Published in RUP: 21.12.2015; Views: 3793; Downloads: 68
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Stališča bodočih vzgojiteljic do ustvarjalnosti
Tina Štemberger, 2013, original scientific article

Abstract: V prvem delu prispevka pišemo o ustvarjalnosti, o dejavnikih, ki vplivajo na ustvarjalnost, ter o ustvarjalnosti v vzgoji in izobraževanju, pri čemer posebej izpostavljamo predšolsko obdobje. V drugem delu prispevka predstavljamo rezultate empirične raziskave, v kateri smo ugotavljali, kakšna so stališča študentk, bodočih vzgojiteljic, do ustvarjalnosti, do dejavnikov ustvarjalnosti in ustvarjalnosti pri otrocih. Ugotavljamo, da pri bodočih vzgojiteljicah predšolskih otrok prevladuje mnenje, da vsi ljudje niso ustvarjalni, prav tako po njihovem mnenju niso ustvarjalni vsi otroci, imajo pa ustvarjalni otroci v vrtcu veliko možnosti za uresničevanje svojih ustvarjalnih potencialov. Po mnenju anketirank je najpomembnejši dejavnik v razvoju ustvarjalnosti družina.
Keywords: vzgojitelji, ustvarjalnost, predšolska vzgoja, predšolski otroci
Published in RUP: 21.12.2015; Views: 3049; Downloads: 79
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Kaj poklicni življenjepisi vzgojiteljic odkrivajo o prepletenosti poklica vzgojitelja in ustvarjalnosti?
Tina Štemberger, Majda Cencič, 2015, original scientific article

Abstract: Na področju proučevanja ustvarjalnosti se v zadnjem času porajajo dileme v zvezi z metodološkimi vprašanji proučevanja tega pojava. Hkrati je pri proučevanju ustvarjalnosti mogoče zaznati tudi premik od tradicionalnega, psihometričnega pristopa k bolj kvalitativnemu pristopu. K slednjemu sodi tudi t. i. kvalitativna raziskava življenjska zgodovina, ki se na pedagoškem področju usmerja na učitelje in vzgojitelje, na njihov pogled na delo in življenje in je kot taka nekakšna osebna refleksija. V pričujočem prispevku predstavljamo potek in rezultate take raziskave, ki se je usmerila na vzgojiteljice, ki so bile prepoznane kot ustvarjalne, pri tem pa nas je zanimalo, kako vključene vzgojiteljice opredeljujejo in doživljajo prepletenost lastnega poklica in ustvarjalnosti. Na podlagi kvalitativne analize zbranega gradiva predstavljamo nekatere ključne dejavnike ustvarjalne poklicne poti vzgojiteljic.
Keywords: življenjska zgodovina, kvalitativne raziskave, vzgojitelji, ustvarjalnost
Published in RUP: 14.10.2015; Views: 2439; Downloads: 84
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Zadovoljstvo staršev s sodelovanjem z vrtcem Puconci : diplomska naloga
Sanja Horvat, 2014, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: zgodovina vrtca, vrtec, sodelovanje s starši, partnerstvo, neformalne oblike, formalne oblike
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 3831; Downloads: 153
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