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Različni vidiki vrednotenja uspešnosti profesionalnih teniških igralcev
Aleš Filipčič, Andrej Panjan, Nejc Šarabon, 2013, original scientific article

Abstract: Cilj članka je predstaviti prve rezultate dolgoročno zasnovane študije, kjer obravnavamo tenis z vidika kakovostnih skupin profesionalnih igralcev, teniške uspešnosti posameznih držav in kontinentov ter kazalcev uspešnosti. Na temelju zbranih podatkov o ATP tekmovanjih in igralcih, uvrščenih do tristotega mesta na profesionalni jakostni lestvici v obdobju 1975-2008, smo ugotovili, da lahko igralce glede na število ATP točk razdelimo v pet kakovostnih skupin, in sicer na način, da so razlike med skupinami čim večje. Analiza sprememb v teniški uspešnosti držav in kontinentov kaže, da je v sedmih časovnih obdobjih prišlo do velikih razlik v odstotkih igralcev, ki zastopajo posamezen kontinent. V Evropi, Aziji in Južni Ameriki je teniška uspešnost v vzponu, v Severni Ameriki, Oceaniji ter Afriki pada. Povezanost med teniško uspešnostjo in številom ATP tekmovanj ter vrednostjo nagradnih skladov se znižuje. Kazalci uspešnosti so dovolj občutljivi, da ločujejo bolj in manj uspešne igralce. Profesionalni igralci so vedno bolj vsestranski in uspešni v vseh igralnih situacijah. Prve ugotovitve študije kažejo, da se tenis stalno spreminja in razvija, kar zahteva stalno spremljanje, sledenje ter iskanje novih trendov.
Keywords: tenis, ATP tekmovanja, tenisači, uspešnost, kazalci
Published in RUP: 03.04.2017; Views: 2141; Downloads: 38
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Merilni sistem za vrednotenje živčno-mišičnih funkcij trupa : tehnični razvoj in študija primera
Nejc Šarabon, Matej Voglar, Andrej Panjan, Borut Fonda, 2013, original scientific article

Abstract: Bolečina v križu (BVK) je najpogostejši zdravstveni problem gibalnega aparata današnje populacije. Pri osebah z BVK je opaziti številne spremembe v živčno-mišičnih funkcijah trupa. Kljub temu da je etiologija BVK zelo kompleksna in pogosto tudi psihosomatsko pogojena, je za uspešno preventivo/rehabilitacijo potrebno razumevanje biomehanskih značilnosti, ki sepogosto pojavljajo pri osebah z BVK. Objektivno vrednotenje gibalnih funkcijtrupa omogoča prepoznavo sprememb, ki so lahko vzrok in/ali posledica BVK. Kljub številnim študijam, ki dokazujejo spremembe v različnih gibalnih funkcijah trupa, je objektivno vrednotenje teh pogosto le v raziskovalnih študijah, ne pa v klinični praksi. Namen tega članka je predstaviti tehnične lastnosti celostnega integriranega merilnega sistema za veljavno in objektivno vrednotenje živčno-mišičnih funkcij trupa, ki je bil razvit v sklopu aplikativnega raziskovalnega projekta, ki predstavlja vzoren primer sodelovanja med univerzo in gospodarstvom. Dodatno je empirično in grafično predstavljena študija primera ene celotne meritve na mladi zdravi osebi. Na koncu članka so predlagane praktične rešitve za zdravstvene in vadbene ustanove pri obravnavi bolnikov z BVK.
Keywords: bolečina v križu, diagnostika, meritve, inovativnost, gibalna terapija
Published in RUP: 21.12.2015; Views: 4003; Downloads: 35
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Advanced processing of electromyography signals in measurements of trunk postural actions
Nejc Šarabon, Andrej Panjan, 2015, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: electromyography, signal processing, trunk functions, lower back pain
Published in RUP: 15.10.2015; Views: 3383; Downloads: 32
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The effects of aging on the rambling and trembling components of postural sway
Nejc Šarabon, Andrej Panjan, Mark L. Latash, 2013, original scientific article

Abstract: The effects of healthy aging on postural sway and its rambling and trembling components were studied. Young and elderly subjects stood quietly for 1 min in different postures, and with eyes open and closed. We found that age-related changes in postural sway and its components were similar to those observed in young participants in challenging conditions. These changes may therefore be viewed as secondary to the increased subjective perception of the complexity of postural tasks. Contrary to our expectations, stronger effects of age were seen in characteristics of rambling, not trembling. The commonly accepted hypothesis that older persons rely on vision more was not supported by this study: we found no significant interaction effects of age and vision on any of the sway characteristics. It was concluded that the reported higher reliance on vision in older persons may be task-specific. The results are compatible with the ideas that much of the age-related changes in postural sway emerge at the level of exploring the limits of stability and using the drift-and-act strategy. Our results suggest that the dominant view on rambling and trembling as reflecting supraspinal and peripheral mechanisms, respectively, may be too simplistic
Keywords: postural control, aging, sway, rambling, trembling
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 3341; Downloads: 79
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Adjusted saddle position counteracts the modified muscle activation patterns during uphill cycling
Borut Fonda, Andrej Panjan, Goran Markovič, Nejc Šarabon, 2011, original scientific article

Abstract: The main aim of this project was to study muscle activity patterns during steep uphill cycling (UC) (i.e., with a gradient of 20%) with (1) normal saddle geometry and (2) with adjusted saddle position ASP (i.e., moving the saddle forward and changing the tilt of the saddle by 20%). Based on our preliminary case study, we hypothesized that: (1) during 20% UC muscle activity patterns would be different from those of level cycling (LC) and (2) during 20% UC with ASP muscle activity patterns would resemble those of LC. Twelve trained male cyclists were tested on an electromagnetically braked cycle ergometer under three conditions with the same work rate (80% of maximal power output) and cadence (90 rpm): level (LC), 20% UC and 20% UC with ASP. Electromyographic signals were acquired from m. tibialis anterior (TA), m. soleus (SO), m. gastrocnemius (GC), m. vastus lateralis (VL), m. vastus medialis (VM), m. rectus femoris (RF), m. biceps femoris (BF) and m. gluteus maximus (GM). Compared to LC, 20% UC significantly modified both the timing and the intensity of activity of the selected muscles, while muscles that cross the hip joint were the most affected (RF later onset, earlier offset, shorter range of activity and decrease in peak amplitude of 34%; BF longer range of activity; GM increase in peak amplitude of 44%). These changes in EMG patterns during 20% UC were successfully counteracted by the use of ASP and it was interesting to observe that the use of ASP during 20% UC was perceived positively by all cyclists regarding both comfort and performance. These results could have a practical relevance in terms of improving performance during UC, together with reducing discomfort
Keywords: cycling, electromyography, bicycle geometry, muscular coordination
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 4816; Downloads: 150
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