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Contribution to the spring vegetation of the Julian Alps : the association Cratoneuretum falcati Gams 1927
Boštjan Surina, 2005, original scientific article

Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 2870; Downloads: 12
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Strukturnovsebinske preobrazbe slovenskih obalnih mest
Boštjan Bugarič, 2008, review article

Abstract: Strukturne preobrazbe slovenskih obalnih mest so rezultat vsebinskih razvojnih strategij, ki so jih narekovali različni mestni akterji v različnih zgodovinskih obdobjih. Zaradi procesa industrializacije je prostor obalnih mest dobil novo strukturo v obliki industrijskih objektov. Danes ostajajo te strukture brez ustreznih vsebin in predstavljajo degradirana območja mesta, ki jih poskuša na vsak način uravnavati interes kapitala. Povojno obdobje funkcionalizma je zaznamovalo prizadevanje za ustvarjanje prostorskih možnosti za potrebe delavskega razreda, ki se je naseljeval v novih stanovanjskih soseskah. Iz industrijskih struktur, ki so se širile v horizontalo, se je v šestdesetih letih 20. stoletja pojavila nova tipologija stanovanjskega nebotičnika, ki se je začela dvigovati v vertikalo. Obdobje po tranziciji je v obalni prostor vneslo splošno kaotično stanje na ravni organizacije prostora, saj so posege izvajali po željah kapitala in manj na podlagi strokovnih usmeritev. Urbanizem kot stroka ni dovolj prožen za uravnavanje hitrih preobrazb oblik kapitala, zato se ta neomejeno oblikuje čez vse meje mesta.
Keywords: industrializacija, funkcionalizem, slovenska obala, Primorska, privatizacija
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 3205; Downloads: 72
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Jerovca at Šentviška planota : newly discovered iron age cemetery
Boštjan Laharnar, Miha Mlinar, 2008, review article

Abstract: Jerovca at Šentviška planota - newly discovered iron age cemetery
Keywords: Šentviška planota, Jerovca, flat cremation cemetery, early iron age, St. Lucia culture, economy
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 3436; Downloads: 37
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Vprašanje razvojnega modela univerze na Primorskem : mestna univerza ali kampus?
Boštjan Bugarič, 2009, original scientific article

Abstract: Placing university contents into urban areas improves the quality of living and contributes to the offer of urban contents. Along with changes in city regulation and the regulation of urban development, university contents are a key factor determining the social development of a city. The development of the university inside a city can be divided into two concepts - the first has its roots in Europe and the second in America. The distinctive difference between the two concepts is spatial planningČ the European one advocates university development in close connection with the city, whereas the American one supports a system of autonomous development that is physically separated from the city. The characteristic trend of moving commercial activities from central areas to shopping centres in the suburbs additionally contributes to the reduction of activities in city centres. With an increased number of users living in the centre, the offer as well as the use of the contents in the historic centre would likely be increased. The student population brings a certain financial input and a long-term contribution to generating various events. Remoteness from the place of residence greatly influences the development and use of social contents in the city centre of Koper. Residents not living in the city centre tend to use its contents to a lesser degree. Placing the campus into the suburbs would, due to increased remoteness, negatively affect the implementation of events and lead to a reduction in the number of visitors to the city centre. In such a development scenario, the buildings in the historic centre are likely to remain unused. The remoteness of the campus from the city centre weakens their shared topical connections.
Keywords: univerze, kampusi, mestna središča, Koper, prostorski razvoj, Slovenija
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 3093; Downloads: 41
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Pomanjkljivosti poslovnih procesov v zdravstvenih organizacijah: primer okulistične ambulante
Boštjan Žvanut, Nuša Frank, Irena Trobec, 2011, original scientific article

Abstract: Purpose: The key element of any business restructuring is understanding the business processes. Yet, the importance of these processes is underestimated in the Slovene healthcare system. The aim of this study is to show that inefficient business process elements, causing unseen losses, can be identified with the help of an appropriate business process inventory Methods:The methods used in our study include literature search, direct observation, interviewing and process modelling. A direct observation study was conducted in an ophthalmology clinic, in which key business processes weremodelled using Event-Driven Process Chains, and deficiencies in the business process were identified. Results: The opthalmology outpatient clinic,which employs two people, loses around 25.5 hours of working time per month (15.2% of the total working time of a full-time employee) because of deficiencies in its business processes. Conclusion: Considering ihat such deficiencies may be encountered in a small healthcare unit with only two employees, it can be expected that the losses will be significantly higher in more complex institutions. We suggest, given these findings, that the managements of healthcare institutions address these deficiencies by conducting business process inventories and optimising processes. These activities must precede the introduction or restructuring of the information system.
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 3677; Downloads: 39
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Informacijska podpora kreativnemu delu projektnega tima
Boštjan Lavrič, 2007, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: informacijski sistem, informacijska podpora, timko delo, kreativne metode, reševanje problemov
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 3645; Downloads: 87
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Poslovni načrt vrhunske restavracije z Michelinoovo zvezdico
Boštjan Slak, 2008, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: podjetja, podjetniki, podjetništvo, poslovni načrti, Michelinova zvezdica
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 6001; Downloads: 397
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