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Primary school teachers' views on their autonomy
Jurka Lepičnik-Vodopivec, 2016, original scientific article

Abstract: In the paper we discuss primary school teachers' views of their own autonomy. In the introduction we present the theoretical premises and the views of different authors. In spite of the different views on understanding teacher's autonomy, it can be summed up it is a complex, multi-layered and important factor of teacher's activities. It appears at different levels and relations in the education process. Here we highlight the significance of decentralisation of school that influences teacher's authority and tasks, as with decentralisation the power and responsibility of decision-making is transferred from the national to the school level, which means the significance of school autonomy-and thus also of teachers' autonomy-is strengthened. In the second part the results of an empirical study carried out on the sample of 104 primary school teachers from 30 randomly selected basic schools in Slovenia are presented. We found primary school teachers estimate they are autonomous in their work. To the largest extent teacher's autonomy is influenced by regulation in education, by the curriculum, and by professional qualifications, and the least by parents. They link their own autonomy to independence in making decisions about choosing the methods of teaching and the selection of teaching resources they use at the performance level of teaching. According to the estimate of surveyed teachers they have less autonomy in selecting textbooks, which can be attributed to enforcing the policy of joint procurement and to the decisions of school authorities regarding the introduction of the latter into school practice.
Keywords: avtonomija, vzgojitelji, poučevanje, metode, autonomy, teachers, forms, methods, teaching
Published in RUP: 08.08.2016; Views: 3142; Downloads: 371
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Aktivna soudeležba študentov kot osnova za kakovosten študij
Jurka Lepičnik-Vodopivec, Maja Hmelak, 2015, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: Študij je vedno odvisen od časa in prostora, v katerem poteka, ter tega, kako profesorji organizirajo delo. Postmoderna družba je družba nenehnih sprememb (kulturnih, političnih, družbenih), ki zahtevajo prilagajanje tako od posameznikov kot tudi organizacij. In zato je tudi študij, še posebno kakovost njegove izvedbe, močno odvisen od širših družbenih dogajanj in (ali pa še posebno) osebe (profesorja), ki je neposredno odgovorna za njegovo izvedbo. Kot protiutež profesorju je študent, torej oseba, željan novega znanja in dokazovanja svojih dosedanjih sposobnosti, spretnosti, znanja. Njune poti se srečujejo, da pa bi tudi sodelovala, si je treba prizadevati za aktivno udeležbo obeh. Avtorici v članku tako preučujeta problem kakovostnega študija z vidika aktivnosti študentov, predvsem se osredotočata na dejavnike in osebe, ki k temu pripomorejo, pa tudi načine za njegovo uresničitev. V prvem delu predstavljata teoretična izhodišča, pri čemer sta soočili razmišljanja različnih avtorjev (Apple 1992; Biutink 2009; Lepičnik Vodopivec 2002; Saracho in Spodek 2007 in drugi) ter podali odgovore na vprašanja o kakovostnem študiju preko aktivnosti samih študentov. Ob tem sta posegli tako na področje strokovnega izobraževanja in učenja kot tudi osebnostnega razvoja oseb, ki v procesu aktivnega študija sodelujejo (študentje in profesorji). V drugem delu predstavljata in utemeljujeta možnosti, načine in naloge za spodbujanje aktivnosti študentov. Osredotočili sta se na študij predšolske vzgoje in študente, ki se pripravljajo za poklic vzgojitelja predšolskih otrok. Konkretno sta prikazali primer naloge (priprava in izdelava ter predstavitev priročnika preko delnih nalog in zadolžitev) za spodbujanje aktivnosti študentov in hkrati utemeljili dosežke tako na strokovnem kot tudi osebnostnem področju študenta. Ob tem sta pojasnili, kakšen vpliv ima aktivna soudeležba med drugim na strokovni in osebnostni razvoj profesorja. V zaključku poudarjata pomembnost medsebojnega sodelovanja in nujnost samoaktivnosti študenta za kakovosten študij kot celoto in predvsem za kakovosten strokovni in osebnostni razvoj vseh udeleženih (študentov in profesorjev).
Keywords: aktivnost, študentje, študij, kakovost, učenje, predšolska vzgoja, strokovno izobraževanje, osebnostni razvoj
Published in RUP: 14.10.2015; Views: 3313; Downloads: 75
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A pedagogue's role regarding the integration of a child in kindergarten
Jurka Lepičnik-Vodopivec, Darja Žikovšek, 2015, original scientific article

Abstract: For children and their parents, starting kindergarten is an important turning point in life. In this period, it is important that parents, prior starting kindergarten, have a quality consultation with the kindergarten's pedagogue. With his/hers professional knowledge he/she is competent enough to carry out an education counselling interview with parents of preschool children. Through an education counselling interview, a pedagogue presents all aspects of the problem connected with the start of kindergarten, as well as the optimal way of confronting this event. Hereinafter, we present the results of the research which intention was to study the process, contents, and meaning of introductory education counselling interviews with parents. Further, we wanted to establish the pedagogues' role in Slovenian kindergartens regarding the integration of a child in kindergarten. We obtained an insight in problems that occur during pedagogues' work directly in practice and stressed proposals which could better their position. Based on the analysis of data gained by interviewing pedagogues employed in Slovenian kindergartens, we found out that the pedagogues' role regarding the integration of children in kindergartens is not well known yet.
Keywords: predšolska vzgoja, vrtec, vzgojitelji, vključevanje otrok v vrtce
Published in RUP: 14.10.2015; Views: 3295; Downloads: 377
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