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Female reproductive characteristics of the Horvath's rock lizard (Iberolacerta horvathi) from Slovenia
Katarina Ljubisavljević, Peter Glasnović, Katja Kalan, Boris Kryštufek, 2012, original scientific article

Abstract: In this paper, we present data on the female reproductive traits of the Horvath's rock lizard from Slovenia. The clutch, egg and hatchling characteristics were investigated based on clutches laid in laboratory conditions by pregnant females collected from a natural population. A female lays one clutch of eggs annually with an average number of three (range 1-5) eggs. We found a significant positive correlation between female size and egg width and volume. The mean egg length and volume in a clutch decreased significantly with clutch size independently of female size. The incubation period averaged 44 days. Significant positive correlations were found between the hatchling total length and mass, and egg mass. There was a significant negative relationship between the egg mass and incubation duration. The life-history strategy of the Horvath's rock lizard appeared to be shaped by several factors, such as the constraints of a high-altitude environment, flattened body morphology and possibly phylogenetic background
Keywords: Horvatova kuščarica, Iberolacerta horvathi, kuščarice, življenjski ciklus
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 3819; Downloads: 80
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Trženje oglaševanja - oglaševanje na internetu
Katja Majerle, 2008, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: internet, oglaševanje, interaktivnost, pasice, elektronska pošta, klik na oglas
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 2983; Downloads: 118
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Longitudinalna analiza arhitekture golenske mišice štiri do šest letnih otrok
Boštjan Šimunič, Katja Koren, 2012, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: skeletna mišica, gastrocnemius medialis, ultrazvok, kot penacije
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 4393; Downloads: 54
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Zakonitosti zadovoljevanja potreb po Maslowi teoriji potreb
Katja Kocbek, 2011, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: motivacija, motivacijske teorije, Maslow, hierarhična teorija potreb, psihologija
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 4842; Downloads: 156
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Uresničevanje notranjega brandinga: razvoj konceptualnega modela
Katja Terglav, Robert Kaše, Maja Konečnik Ruzzier, 2012, original scientific article

Abstract: Notranji branding je proces, ki omogoča uravnotežen pogled na blagovno znamko na ravni celotnega podjetja. Zanj je značilno usklajevanje vrednot in vedenj zaposlenih z vrednotami in obljubami blagovne znamke. V prispevku se osredotočimo predvsem na njegovo uresničevanje, ki zahteva povezanost različnih funkcij v podjetju, kot sta notranje trženje in ravnanje z ljudmi pri delu. Na podlagi ugotovitev kvalitativne raziskave predstavimo konceptualni model uresničevanja notranjega brandinga. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da notranji branding poveča znanje zaposlenih o blagovni znamki, kar spodbudi njihovo motiviranost za širjenje podobe blagovne znamke med porabniki. Hkrati ugotavljamo, da uresničevanje notranjega brandinga zahteva usklajeno delovanje notranjega trženja in ravnanja z ljudmi pri delu. Pomen notranjega brandinga narašča, saj je proces usmerjen v razvoj virov, ki podjetju prinašajo konkurenčne prednosti in večjo uspešnost.
Keywords: blagovne znamke, trženje, branding, zaposleni, notranje trženje, ravnanje z ljudmi pri delu
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 3450; Downloads: 105
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Prepletenost kulture in gospodarstva
Katja Jugović, 2012, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: gospodarstvo, kultura, religija, prepletenost, Japonska, značilnosti
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 3943; Downloads: 235
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