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Muzejski parki sodobnih skulptur : pogled na portoroško Formo vivo ob izbranih primerih iz Italije
Majda Božeglav-Japelj, 2009, original scientific article

Abstract: Outdoor museums ("museum parks") of contemporary sculpture, including the symposium environment of Forma viva, are a meeting place of nature and art. A number of sculpture collections whose formation was grounded in a functional framework - i.e. the placement of sculptures in open space with nature serving as a background - have changed with time, placing increasing stress on and prominence to the integration with space as a constituent element of the composition itself. The festival Skulptur. Projekte, organized since 1977 every ten years in the German city Münster, has spurred the launching of a number of quality projects focusing on contemporary sculpture in natural and urban environments and eventually leading to the establishment of sculpture parks all over Europe. The Italian parks (Fattoria di Celle-Spazi d'arte/CelleFarm - Artistic Space, Pistoia, Italy; Fondazione Severi/Severi Foundation, Modena, Italy) and public incentives (Parco urbano di sculture in pietra/Civic Park of Stone Sculptures, Fanano, Italy; Arte all'Arte/Art to Art, San Giminiano, Italy; Tuscia Electa, Chianti, Italy) mentioned in the article differ both in terms of contents and formal status (private vs. public). What they all have in common is the aspiration to interact with the surrounding environment marked by a rich cultural past. Within such a framework, they conceive a wide variety of programme activities that are increasingly orientated towards the contemporary international fine arts arena and that help them maintain their successful public image in the world. Launched in the second half of the previous century in Slovenia, the international sculpture symposium Forma viva was one of the rare events in Slovenia that reached beyond the domestic fine arts scene and followed international trends. Its image was built on four different locations where sculptors used different materials (Kostanjevica na Krki - wood, Portorož - stone, Ravne na Koroškem - steel, Maribor - concrete). Vivacious symposia gave rise to extensive outdoor collections of sculptures. The initial idea to find the ideal balance between nature and art in two gallery complexes - formed in Kostanjevica na Krki and Seča near Portorož - was complemented by the tendency to create plastic arts in more modern materials and integrate them into the ramified tissue of the urban space (Ravne na Koroškem, Maribor). At the end of 1980s, the joint organization of the symposium came to an end, which first led to gradual cessation of the symposia in all locations except Portorož, then to the emergence of new conditions for addressing the situation and eventually to the formation of completely different approaches to the resurrection of symposia. The last decade thus witnessed various proposals by individual locations, which gave rise to the possibility of forming bases for a new joint organizational undertaking that would be reasonable to launch as a national project. The inherent peculiarities of the sculpture materials and their idiosyncratic artistic interpretations remain the trademark of the four Slovene symposium collections. The current trends in contemporary plastic arts reveal a new interest for the environment and landscape, with sculpture being transformed from a decorative (integrative) element into a subject with a completely autonomous character. The increasingly important factors of interaction between space, natural and urban, and contemporary art are therefore becoming the basis that will have to be taken into account by the Portorož collection of stone sculptors when re-addressing its artistic dialogue with the environment.
Keywords: Forma viva, Portorož, muzeji na prostem, kiparstvo, italijanski kiparji, muzejske zbirke
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 3895; Downloads: 33
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Kakovost storitev elektrodistribucijskega podjetja in zaznavanje zadovoljstva odjemalcev
Majda Repnik, 2010, master's thesis

Keywords: elektrodistribucija, storitve, kakovost, management, odjemalci, raziskava
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 2227; Downloads: 143
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Ekonomski imigranti v Sloveniji in njihova stališča o boleznih - kvalitativna raziskava
Majda Brovč, Janja Ahčin, Marija Šlajpah, Danica Rotar-Pavlič, 2009, original scientific article

Abstract: Izhodišče: V ambulanti družinske medicine pogosto opažam, da je izid zdravljenja delavcev z začasnim delovnim dovoljenjem s področij bivše Jugoslavije slabši od pričakovanega. Za boljši izid zdravljenja je bistveno poznavanje njihovih stališč o boleznih. Namen raziskave: Spoznati stališče tehdelavcev do vzrokov zdravstvenih težav, motive za obisk pri zdravniku, ugotoviti, kako skrbijo za lastno zdravje, in spoznati vplive na proces zdravljenja. Namen raziskave ni posploševanje rezultatov na celotno populacijodelavcev z začasnim delovnim dovoljenjem s področij bivše Jugoslavije, ker se rezultati nanašajo izključno na preiskovano skupino. Metode: Uporabljena je bila kvalitativna metodologija z analizo intervjujev povprašalniku ETHNIC. Podatke so analizirali trije neodvisni raziskovalci z vsebinsko analizo besedila po deduktivno- induktivni metodi. Rezultati in zaključki: Delavci vidijo vzroke za zdravstvene težave v napornem delu, slabihdelovnih pogojih in prehrani ter slabih stanovanjskih razmerah, a tudi vmočnih negativnih čustvih. K zdravniku pridejo z bojaznijo pred invalidnostjoin skrbjo glede finančnega vzdrževanja družine v izvornem okolju.Družina in sodelavci lahko igrajo dejavno vlogo v procesu soodločanja ozdravljenju. Mediji na stališča o zdravju in bolezni vplivajo negativno. Skrbza zdravje povezujejo predvsem z načinom prehranjevanja, kajenjem in pitjem alkohola. Samozdravljenje je prisotno ob poškodbah, kožnih vnetjih in bolečinah. Do zdravil pridejo na različne načine. Večina zavrača iskanje pomoči pri zdravilcih, nekateri pa imajo o tem pozitivno mnenje. Delavci zdravnika spoštujejo, v odnosu z njim pa lahko zavzamejo pasivno vlogo. Ovire med procesom zdravljenja nastajajo zaradi finančnih in bivanjskih težav, napornega dela in neustreznega medkulturnega sporazumevanja. Med zdravljenjem jim pomagajo sodelavci. Odnos z delodajalcem je v procesu zdravljenja moteči dejavnik.
Keywords: odnos zdravnik-bolnik, ovire pri zdravljenju, medkulturno sporazumevanje
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 4597; Downloads: 74
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Profesionalni razvoj šolskega urednika
Majda Degan-Kapus, 2006, master's thesis

Keywords: profesionalni razvoj, profesionalizem, učeča se organizacija, sistemi kakovosti, kompetenčni model, kompetence, magistrska dela
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 3600; Downloads: 127
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Vloga ravnatelja pri razvoju profesionalizma učiteljev v osnovni šoli
Majda Hafner, 2010, master's thesis

Keywords: osnovna šola, profesionalizem, strokovni razvoj, izboljšave, ravnatelji, učitelji, spremembe
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 4923; Downloads: 180
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Teacher competencies for incorporating ICT into classroom practice
Majda Cencič, Andreja Istenič, Bogdana Borota, 2012, original scientific article

Abstract: One of the outstanding goals of a knowledge-based society is to enable everyone access to information and communication technology (ICT). This requires teachers to take on new tasks and respond to new demands. With regard to the above, we were interested in the use of ICT in classroom practice of Slovene teachers. The results based on a survey administered to a sample of 468 educational staff, mostly classroom teachers, show only a medium use of ICT in classroom practice. It is used mostly for revision and consolidation of the subject matter, and motivation of pupils, and less for examination and assessment of knowledge. We can conclude that training teachers for the use of ICT, which started in Slovenia in the seventies, yielded some positive results, while the development of competencies for using ICT in classroom practice is a process which has to be continued both with pre-service and in-service teachers
Keywords: kompetence, učitelji, pouk, informacijsko komunikacijska tehnologija, IKT
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 4082; Downloads: 80
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Strategija izboljave nabavnih procesov podjetja
Majda Peroša, 2009, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: nabava, nabavni procesi, informacije, informacijski sistemi, načrtovanje
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 4365; Downloads: 130
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Na poti do učeče se glasbene šole
Majda Prezelj, 2005, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: učeča se šola, izobraževanje, vseživljenjsko učenje, timsko delo, sodelovalno učenje, ravnatelj, glasbena šola, diplomska dela
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 3249; Downloads: 143
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Hyperhomocysteinemia and the role of B vitamins in cancer
Nadja Plazar, Mihaela Jurdana, 2010, review article

Keywords: onkologija, biokemija, B vitamini, rak
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 3707; Downloads: 99
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