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Problem predstavitve objektov v psevdo-evklidskem prostoru : zaključna naloga
Marko Palangetić, 2016, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: algorithms, optimization, mathematical programming
Published in RUP: 13.11.2017; Views: 3580; Downloads: 71
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Ohranjevalci sosednosti na pravokotnih matrikah : zaključna naloga
Borut Umer, 2017, master's thesis

Keywords: ohranjevalci sosednosti, jedra
Published in RUP: 09.11.2017; Views: 2237; Downloads: 69
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Additive rank-one nonincreasing maps on Hermitian matrices over the field GF(2[sup]2)
Marko Orel, Bojan Kuzma, 2009, original scientific article

Abstract: A complete classification of additive rank-one nonincreasing maps on hermitian matrices over Galois field ▫$GF(2^2)$▫ is obtained. This field is special and was not covered in a previous paper. As a consequence, some known applications, like the classification of additive rank-additivity preserving maps, are extended to arbitrary fields. An application concerning the preservers of hermitian varieties is also presented.
Keywords: mathematics, linear algebra, additive preserver, hermitian matrices, rank, Galois field, weak homomorphism of a graph
Published in RUP: 02.04.2017; Views: 2855; Downloads: 93
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Permanent versus determinant over a finite field
Gregor Dolinar, Aleksandr Èmilevič Guterman, Bojan Kuzma, Marko Orel, 2013, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: Let ▫$\mathbb{F}$▫ be a finite field of characteristic different from 2. We study the cardinality of sets of matrices with a given determinant or a given permanent for the set of Hermitian matrices ▫$\mathcal{H}_n(\mathbb{F})$▫ and for the whole matrix space ▫$M_n(\mathbb{F})$▫. It is known that for ▫$n = 2$▫, there are bijective linear maps ▫$\Phi$▫ on ▫$\mathcal{H}_n(\mathbb{F})$▫ and ▫$M_n(\mathbb{F})$▫ satisfying the condition per ▫$A = \det \Phi(A)$▫. As an application of the obtained results, we show that if ▫$n \ge 3$▫, then the situation is completely different and already for ▫$n = 3$▫, there is no pair ofmaps ▫$(\Phi, \phi)$▫, where ▫$\Phi$▫ is an arbitrary bijective map on matrices and ▫$\phi \colon \mathbb{F} \to \mathbb{F}$▫ is an arbitrary map such that per ▫$A = \phi(\det \Phi(A))$▫ for all matrices ▫$A$▫ from the spaces ▫$\mathcal{H}_n(\mathbb{F})$▫ and ▫$M_n(\mathbb{F})$▫, respectively. Moreover, for the space ▫$M_n(\mathbb{F})$▫, we show that such a pair of transformations does not exist also for an arbitrary ▫$n > 3$▫ if the field ▫$\mathbb{F}$▫ contains sufficiently many elements (depending on ▫$n$▫). Our results are illustrated by a number of examples.
Keywords: mathematics, linear algebra, matrix theory, permanent, determinant
Published in RUP: 02.04.2017; Views: 2373; Downloads: 130
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