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Proučevanje manjšin in obmejnih območij v zgornjem Jadranu - raziskovalni pristopi in problemi v luči politične geografije
Milan Bufon, 2006, original scientific article

Abstract: Avtor obravnava kompleksnost manjšinskih in obmejnih vprašanj, ki sestavljajo problematiko proučevanja kontaktnih območij v zgornjem Jadranu, na katere delujejo sočasno različni dejavniki in prispevajo k oblikovanju različne pojavne tipologije v razmerju družbena dominantnost-manjšina, ki vključujejo stanja mejne nacionalne manjšine, teritorialne oziroma regionalne manjšine ter urbane manjšine. Območje zgornjega Jadrana se potrjuje kot izredno zanimiv "laboratorij" za uvajanje novih modelov pri utrjevanju različnih institucionalnih in vsakodnevnih oblik medetnične povezanosti v okviru EU.
Keywords: politična geografija, demogeografija, sestava prebivalstva, narodna sestava, narodne majnšine, obmejne regije, Slovenija, Italija, Evropa
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 3189; Downloads: 69
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Politična geografija globalizacije
Milan Bufon, 2006, review article

Abstract: Članek najprej obravnava nekatere temeljne elemente, ki zadevajo definicijo globalizacije ter njene učinke, v nadaljevanju pa prikazuje sodobne razsežnosti globalizacije v odnosu do ključnih dejavnikov sodobnih političnogeografskih transformacij. Slednji se izražajo predvsem na področju mednarodne politike in varnosti ter na področju mednarodnih trgovinskih in finančnih tokov. Na osnovi prikazanih razvojnih procesov ugotavlja, da se političnogeografski problemi globalizacije navezujejo tudi na vprašanja koncentracije in deteritorializacije ter na centralno-periferna razmerja v svetu. Nenazadnje globalizacija učinkuje še na politična, ekonomska in družbena ravnovesja in součinkovanja med lokalno, državno in svetovno dimenzijo razvojnih potencialov in dinamik ter na možnost vzpostavitve njihovega globalnega upravljanja.
Keywords: politična geografija, globalizacija, mednarodna politika, mednarodna trgovina
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 3044; Downloads: 40
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Medkulturni dialog in evropska območja družbenega in kulturnega stika
Milan Bufon, 2008, original scientific article

Abstract: The European continent, the motherland of nationalism, and the part of the world where political borders and different territorial and cultural identities are mostly inter-related, is now facing new challenges regarding how best to represent its numerous interests within one system. With the increase of international integration European countries began to devote greater attention to the development problems of their border areas that had to be helped to undertake certain functions in the international integration process. The fostering of a more balanced regional development also resulted in a strengthening of regional characteristics, which the new model could no longer ignore. Regional characteristics in turn have always been preserved in Europe by persistent historical and cultural elements of ethnic and linguistic variety. Therefore it is not surprising that the process of European integration based on the new regional development model was accompanied by a parallel process of ethnic or regional awakening of minorities and other local communities. The key question for contemporary European political geography is, then, how the process summarised under the twin labels of social convergence and divergence will effect on the one hand the persistent maintenance of regional identities and on the other hand the corresponding potentials for inter-cultural
Keywords: Evropa, kulturni stik, medkulturni dialog, integracijski procesi, regije, družbena konvergenca
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 3321; Downloads: 40
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Zgornji Jadran : prostor konflikta ali koeksistence?
Milan Bufon, 2009, original scientific article

Abstract: When considering the Upper Adriatic, the meeting point of three countries: Italy, Slovenia and Croatia at this point in time, an important fact needs to be acknowledged - the historic fate of this area has basically been determined by the relationship between the ethnical and political border. In this particular area the two borders normally do not coincide and had been perpendicular or parallel to one another in different historical periods. Several contradictory tendencies towards the adapting of social structure and social systems to the current political organization of space can be discerned in the process of politically-geographical transformations in the area discussed. On one hand, particularly on the local scale, there are tendencies to normalize and functionally organize the trans-border communication and socially-cultural and socially-economic structures. On the other hand, particularly on the scale of state relations, there are tendencies to preserve the state of tension and the air of restriction around the border. This has lead to a considerable discrepancy between the intensity of functional trans-border connections, which have gradually developed between the two sides, and the scarcity and reservedness of institutional trans-border associations, which have only started to develop after the Treaty of Osimo was signed in 1975. The fact that "the spirit of Osimo" did not develop and strengthen after the proclamation of independence of Slovenia in 1991, its entry into the EU in 2004 and the acceptance among the Schengen countries in 2007 is rather unusual. Despite the existence of intensive and functional trans-border associations of the population residing near the border, the neighboring countries in the area of Upper Adriatic did not manage to devise any new initiatives concerning institutional integration. Furthermore, along with the break in communication between Slovenia and Italy, a deterioration of relations between Slovenia and Croatia occurred because of unresolved petty disputes concerning the border. However, the rather unfavorable state of relations between the states is not reflected in the actual situation in the field. The research performed so far indicates that there is a quite distinct trans-border interdependence of the population residing near the border. Nevertheless, the current politically-geographical transformations have generated certain differences between the Slovene-Italian border and the Slovene-Croatian border, particularly in the scope of lowering expectations with respect to further development of trans-border relations and lower level of functional trans-border association characterizing the western border sector of the Slovene-Croatian border when compared to the Istrian-Karstic border section of the Slovene-Italian border. This fact reflects the negative effects of transformations in this formerly unified or correlated socially-geographical area and the consequential differentiation of border sectors regardless of the relatively high level of socially-cultural affinity, which still characteriyes both border regions. This provides grounds for understanding the simultaneous occurrence of tendencies towards social and spatial divergence, characteriying the relationship of past and present-day state-oriented politicians in relation to their neighboring countries, and tendencies towards social and spatial convergence, originating primarily from the socially-cultural affinity and socially-economic interdependence of the population residing near the border. The above demonstrates that border regions should be granted an institutional and legal status that will enable the population of these regions to successfully resolve their own developmental problems while considering the complex social structure of the Upper Adriatic in the perspective of renewing or improving the spatial integration or reducing the level of potential conflict. Developmental history and the current social structure suggest that this region is indeed much easier to interconnect than to divide
Keywords: Jadran (regija), politična geografija, obmejne regije, Slovenija, Italija, Hrvaška
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 3719; Downloads: 28
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Poti in dejavniki prehoda v delovno neaktivnost v Sloveniji
Klemen Širok, Milan Vodopivec, 2009, original scientific article

Keywords: staranje prebivalstva, starejši delavci, delovna aktivnost
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 3224; Downloads: 12
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Population aging and labour market paricipation of old workers in Sri Lanka
Milan Vodopivec, Nisha Arunatilake, 2011, original scientific article

Abstract: Sri Lanka's population is predicted to age very fast during the next 50 years, bringing a potential slowdown of labour force growth and after 2030 its contraction. Based on a large and detailed survey of old people in Sri Lanka, conducted in 2006, the paper examines labor market consequences of this process, focusing on employment outcomes of old workers and the reasons and determinants of labour market withdrawal. The paper finds that a vast majority of Sri Lankan old workers are engaged in the informal sector, work long hours, and are paid less than younger workers. Moreover, using hard evidence, it shows that labour market duality characterizing most developing countries carries over to old age: (i) previous employment is the most important predictor of the retirement pathway; (ii) older workers fall into two categories: formal sector workers, who generally stop working before age 60 because of mandatory retirement regulations, and casual workers and the self-employed, who, due to poverty, work till very old ages and stop working primarily because of poor health; and (iii) the option of part-time work is used primarily by former formal sector workers.
Keywords: trg dela, staranje, upokojevanje, Šri Lanka
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 2429; Downloads: 45
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The tax wedge in Slovenia
Primož Dolenc, Milan Vodopivec, 2005, original scientific article

Keywords: davčna politika, davčna obremenitev dela, Slovenija, Evropska unija, OECD
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 4151; Downloads: 77
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