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Psihološki učinki skrajne gibalne neaktivnosti v pogojih simulirane breztežnosti
Petra Dolenc, Matej Tušak, Tjaša Dimec Časar, Rado Pišot, 2009, original scientific article

Abstract: Najpogostejša metoda za spremljanje učinkov popolne gibalne neaktivnosti na človekov organizem je simuliranje breztežnostnega stanja oziroma bed rest (BR) model, ki predpostavlja daljše obdobje ležanja v vodoravnem položaju. V raziskavi smo ugotavljali spremembe v razpoloženju, psihološkem blagostanju, spoprijemalnih strategijah in telesni samopodobi med 35-dnevnim mirovanjem v strogem vodoravnem položaju pri desetih mladih zdravih moških. Psihološke vprašalnike so izpolnjevali pred začetkom eksperimenta in ob koncu le-tega. Emocionalna stanja, zadovoljstvo z življenjem in telesna samopodoba se niso statistično pomembno spremenili po BR obdobju, rezultati na lestvici CRI pa kažejo na trend porasta uporabe na emocije usmerjenega spoprijemanja in upada na problem usmerjenega soočanja s težavami. Splošno počutje udeležencev, izraženo z rezultatom na lestvici GHQ, se je po eksperimentu v primerjavi s predeksperimentalnim obdobjem poslabšalo. Izraženost teh simptomov pa je bila tudi po obdobju gibalne imobiliziranosti relativno nizka in ni predstavljala grožnje za psihično zdravje udeležencev. Naši rezultati kažejo na to, da so ugodne bivanjske razmere in možnost socialne interakcije v času popolne telesne neaktivnosti nekakšno varovalo pred poslabšanjem psihičnega statusa oziroma ublažijo negativne učinke, ki jih povzroča daljša gibalna imobiliziranost. Dobljeni izsledki imajo aplikativno vrednost na področju zdravstvene preventive in rehabilitacije.
Keywords: gibalna neaktivnost, psihično stanje, simulirana breztežnost, bed rest raziskave
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 4376; Downloads: 28
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Biseri avstrijske riviere : Opatija, Gradež, Portorož
Petra Kavrečič, 2009, original scientific article

Abstract: Biseri avstrijske riviere: Opatija, Gradež, Portorož
Keywords: turizem, zgodovina, morsko-zdraviliški turizem, medicinske prakse, Opatija, Gradež, Portorož
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 2758; Downloads: 38
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'Na najlepše morje na svetu, na Jadran' : procesi turističnega razvoja severnega Jadrana pred prvo svetovno vojno in po njej
Petra Kavrečič, Borut Klabjan, 2010, original scientific article

Abstract: The Northern Adriatic became an attractive tourist destination in particular in the second half of the 19th century when the area witnessed the emergence of first modern forms of tourism, with the most prominent being seaside spa tourism and bathing tourism. Their development was largely spurred by medical discourses on new beneficial practices such as bathing in sea water, mud or brine and enjoying the beneficial effects of seaside air. Such health improving methods not only helped people to overcome many illnesses of that time, but also facilitated the promotion of seaside resorts. The article focuses on the tourism development in the Northern Adriatic in relation to Bohemia and later on Czechoslovakia, and studies the popularity of and familiarity with the Northern Adriatic area as a tourist destination. The research takes into consideration the period spanning from the initial phases of modern tourism development, when the afore-mentioned areas formed part of the same political entity (Austria-Hungary), to the mid-1930s. The end of WWI brought about the disintegration of the common Habsburg monarchy, with Bohemia uniting with Slovakia in Czechoslovakia, and the major part of the eastern Northern Adriatic being ceded to the Kingdom of Italy. The new, post-war situation however did not break the tourist ties between the two areas. In the Dual Monarchy, the Bohemian lands were considered as one of the most economically prosperous areas, which enabled their population to invest in tourism infrastructure on the one hand and to enjoy the tourist offer on the other. The Northern Adriatic was an interesting region for Bohemian and later on Czechoslovak investors and tourists both before and after WWI. Until the war, Bohemians were among not only the most numerous visitors to seaside resorts mentioned in the article, but also the most important investors in accommodation facilities. The end of the war gave rise to a new political situation in Europe. Despite the new political map, the interest of Czechs to visit the Northern Adriatic resorts did not die out. Czech guests mostly ignored the suggestions to boycott the seaside resorts since then located in Italy and remained one of their most frequent visitors
Keywords: turizem, Istra, Gradež, Kvarner, Trst, Češka
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 2600; Downloads: 13
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Analiza trga kreditnih kartic v Sloveniji
Petra Inkret, 2011, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: plačilna sredstva, kreditne kartice, brezgotovinsko plačevanje, ugodnosti, varnost, Slovenija
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 3370; Downloads: 150
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