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Harvard business review on entrepreneurship
1999, proceedings

Abstract: Harvard business review on entrepreneurship
Keywords: podjetništvo, članki, zborniki, podjetje, ustanavljanje, management, poslovanje, podjetnik, planiranje poslovanja, poslovni plani, uspešnost poslovanja, kapital, tveganje, poslovne finance
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 1866; Downloads: 70
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Socialni kapital v evropskih državah : ugotovitve, trendi in metodološke pomanjkljivosti primerjalnih študij
Frane Adam, 2007, original scientific article

Abstract: The article critically discusses two issues. The first is related to the distribution of social capital across European (EU) nations, and describes the main (expected) trends and patterns on the basis of conventional 'proxy' variables, such as trust and level of involvement in voluntary organizations, in the framework of international studies (EVS/WVS and ESS). The second deals with data quality, in particular with the question whether the findings obtained in such a manner can be regarded as reliable and credible. As for the first issue, one can define four groups as regards the distribution of social capital across European nation-states. Contrary to the authors who claim that there is no significant difference between individual countries, the results of our analysis have revealed a considerable level of differentiation. There is a clear distinction between groups I and IV, while the difference between groups II and III is less obvious. In the context of critical reflection and discussion of the comparability and credibility of empirical data, one should point out some mistakes and inconsistencies most probably brought about partly by inappropriate execution of international surveys (studies) and partly by various semantic, cultural and institutional factors that were not paid appropriate attention during the phases of survey preparation and planning, as well as those of data interpretation and generalization (analysis)
Keywords: socialni kapital, primerjalne raziskave, participacija, zaupanje, kakovost podatkov
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 2388; Downloads: 48
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Evaluation of intellectual capital
Franko Milost, 2005, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: intelektualni kapital, vrednotenje
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 3276; Downloads: 67
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Sestava in analiza letnega poročila v podjetju
Alenka Hvala, 2006, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: računovodstvo, letno poročilo, bilanca stanja, poslovni izid, finančni izid, dobiček, kapital, stroški, prihodki, odhodki, diplomska dela
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 2882; Downloads: 94
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The business incubator of the University of Primorska
Borut Likar, Aljoša Žbogar, 2005, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: izobraževanje, visoko šolstvo, podjetništvo, inkubator, Univerza na Primorskem, intelektualni kapital
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 3622; Downloads: 64
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Obdavčitev dohodkov iz kapitala fizičnih oseb
Alenka Blažević, 2010, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: davki, zakonodaja, obdavčitev, kapital, dohodki, obresti, dividende, dobiček
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 3497; Downloads: 184
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