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Telesne lutke
Jelena Sitar, 2012, published professional conference contribution

Abstract: Pomikanje fokusa po različnih delih telesa s pomočjo lutke omogoča animatorju nove izkušnje v komunikaciji z lastnim telesom in telesi drugih. Glede na soodvisnost telesnega in psihičnega počutja gre tudi za zanimivo psihološko izkušnjo animatorja, zlasti pri vzpostavljanju novih odnosov z že znanimi osebami. Skupina trinajstih slovenskih otrok starih od 6 do 12 let v lutkovnem projektu Telesne lutke izvedenem junija 2012 v italijanskem Devinu v okviru lutkovne ustvarjalne delavnice gosti lutke na s svojih prstih, rokah, nogah, podplatih in drugih delih telesa. V zanimivem ustvarjalnem procesu, kjer nastajajo prizori za lutkovni kolaž, ki ga otroci na koncu kot predstavo odigrajo pred občinstvom, zraste kvaliteta njihove medsebojne komunikacije. Projekt telesne lutke ponuja možnost aplikacije v različnih vzgojnih in terapevtskih situacijah
Keywords: lutke, animacija, telo, gibanje, igra, komunikacija, gledališče, vzgoja, terapija
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 4165; Downloads: 103
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Analiza izobraževanja v velikem podjetju
Martina Šturm, 2007, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: izobraževanje odraslih, proces, komunikacija, motivacija, standardi
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 3031; Downloads: 116
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Neverbalna komunikacija in prepričljivost posameznika
Marija Paladin, 2010, master's thesis

Keywords: neverbalna komunikacija, prepričevanje, kinezika, gestika, zunanji videz, vokalizacija, proksemika, haptika, upravljanje časa
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 4765; Downloads: 348
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Veščine komuniciranja pri pospeševanju prodaje
Jana Bašelj, 2007, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: komuniciranje, poslovno komuniciranje, medosebna komunikacija, trgovina, prodaja, pospeševanje prodaje, prodajno osebje, diplomska dela
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 4304; Downloads: 131
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Communication with elderly patients through an intermediary in family medicine
Danica Rotar-Pavlič, Igor Švab, Marko Kolšek, 2008, original scientific article

Abstract: Background: Accurate reporting of a patient's story is an important skill in medicine. A doctor's interpretation of the patient's story reflects not only what was actually said, but also the doctor's view of the problem. Additional problems may appear when an intermediary is used for communication with patients. This problems may be influenced by the circumstances of the interview and the personal characteristics of an intermediary. Objectives: The aim of the study was to identify common characteristics of information that is lost, added and matched in a consultation with an intermediary. Methods: The qualitative study was done on a sample of 39 elderly patients from 26 different practices. The first part of the study consisted of one-to-one semi-structured interviews with elderly patients that were transcribed and coded. In the second stage of the study the interviewers who were involved in the first stage of study were debriefed and questioned about their interviews with patients. All interviews were audiotaped and transcribed verba tim.The transcripts and the codes of the first stage were compared with the transcripts and codes of the second stage. Results: After the comparison of the patient's transcripts with the transcripts of the interviewers, the data could be divided in three cathegories of information: omitted data - data that appear in the transcripts of the patients, but not in the transcripts of the debriefing of the interviewers, added data - data that appear only in the transcripts of the debriefing of the interviewers and matchingdata - data that appear in the transcripts of the patients and in the debriefing of the interviewers. Conclusion: There are differences between what occurs in a medical interview and what is reported by the interviewer in a debriefing. Some information is omitted and new information may appear that may increase our understanding, but may also be a source of added bias.
Keywords: komunikacija, starejši bolniki, posredniki, družinska medicina
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 6712; Downloads: 45
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