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Vertex-transitive odd numbers
Klavdija Kutnar, Ademir Hujdurović, Dragan Marušič, 2017, published scientific conference contribution abstract (invited lecture)

Keywords: odd automorphism, even-closed, vertex-transitive, graph
Published in RUP: 15.11.2017; Views: 1988; Downloads: 23
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Vertex-transitive odd numbers
Klavdija Kutnar, Ademir Hujdurović, Dragan Marušič, 2017, published scientific conference contribution abstract (invited lecture)

Keywords: odd automorphism, even-closed, vertex-transitive, graph
Published in RUP: 15.11.2017; Views: 2052; Downloads: 26
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Minimal normal subgroups of transitive permutation groups of square-free degree
Edward Dobson, Aleksander Malnič, Dragan Marušič, Lewis A. Nowitz, 2007, original scientific article

Abstract: It is shown that a minimal normal subgroup of a transitive permutation group of square-free degree in its induced action is simple and quasiprimitive, with three exceptions related to ▫$A_5$▫, ▫$A_7$▫, and PSL(2,29). Moreover, it is shown that a minimal normal subgroup of a 2-closed permutation group of square-free degree in its induced action is simple. As an almost immediate consequence, it follows that a 2-closed transitive permutation group of square-free degree contains a semiregular element of prime order, thus giving a partial affirmative answer to the conjecture that all 2-closed transitive permutation groups contain such an element (see [D. Marušic, On vertex symmetric digraphs,Discrete Math. 36 (1981) 69-81; P.J. Cameron (Ed.), Problems from the fifteenth British combinatorial conference, Discrete Math. 167/168 (1997) 605-615]).
Keywords: mathematics, graph theory, transitive permutation group, 2-closed group, square-free degree, semiregular automorphism, vertex-transitive graph
Published in RUP: 02.04.2017; Views: 2611; Downloads: 92
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Semiregular automorphisms of vertex-transitive graphs of certain valencies
Edward Dobson, Aleksander Malnič, Dragan Marušič, Lewis A. Nowitz, 2007, original scientific article

Abstract: It is shown that a vertex-transitive graph of valency ▫$p+1$▫, ▫$p$▫ a prime, admitting a transitive action of a ▫$\{2,p\}$▫-group, has a non-identity semiregular automorphism. As a consequence, it is proved that a quartic vertex-transitive graph has a non-identity semiregular automorphism, thus giving a partial affirmative answer to the conjecture that all vertex-transitive graphs have such an automorphism and, more generally, that all 2-closed transitive permutation groups contain such an element (see [D. Marušic, On vertex symmetric digraphs, Discrete Math. 36 (1981) 69-81; P.J. Cameron (Ed.), Problems from the Fifteenth British Combinatorial Conference, Discrete Math. 167/168 (1997) 605-615]).
Keywords: mathematics, graph theory, transitive permutation group, 2-closed group, semiregular automorphism, vertex-transitive graph
Published in RUP: 02.04.2017; Views: 2738; Downloads: 88
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On maximal distances in a commuting graph
Gregor Dolinar, Bojan Kuzma, Polona Oblak, 2012, original scientific article

Abstract: It is shown that matrices over algebraically closed fields that are farthest apart in the commuting graph must be non-derogatory. Rank-one matrices and diagonalizable matrices are also characterized in terms of the commuting graph.
Keywords: matematika, linearna algebra, teorija grafov, komutirajoči grafi, matrična algebra, algebraično zaprt obseg, centralizator, razdalja v grafih, mathematics, linear algebra, graph theory, commuting graph, matrix algebra, algebraically closed field, centralizer, distance in graphs
Published in RUP: 02.04.2017; Views: 2593; Downloads: 261
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Odd automorphism in vertex-transitive graphs
Klavdija Kutnar, Ademir Hujdurović, Dragan Marušič, 2016, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: vertex-transitive, graph, odd automorphism, even-closed
Published in RUP: 08.08.2016; Views: 2765; Downloads: 16
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