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Literatura v preseku družbe, družba v preseku literature : zbornik povzetkov
2018, other monographs and other completed works

Abstract: Simpozij Literatura v preseku družbe, družba v preseku literature se bo ukvarjala z obravnavo razmerja med literaturo (ter umetnostjo nasploh) in njenim družbenim kontekstom, namerava torej odpreti vprašanje njune medsebojne interakcije. Na eni strani se bo odpiralo vprašanje, kako književnost in umetnost sodelujeta pri opomenjanju družbene sfere, na drugi strani pa, kako družbeni akterji uporabljajo (in zlorabljajo) književne prakse za ustvarjanje specifičnih pomenov - in specifičnih ideoloških narativ -, ki jih želijo reproducirati v nekem družbenem kontekstu. Simpozij se bo osredinil na konkretne primere literarnega in družbenega opomenjanja, tako splošnejše (npr. primeri nacionalne ideologije) kot specifičnejše - v center pozornosti simpozij namreč želi postaviti obdobje po drugi svetovni vojni in delovanje diskurzivnih formacij na obeh straneh povojne blokovske delitve, tj. vzhodne komunistične in socialistične ter zahodne kapitalistične, in ju primerjati, tudi s stališča prikritega ali odkritega ideološkega delovanja v enem ali v drugem.
Keywords: literarna veda, umetnost, ideologija, družbeni sistemi, literarna sociologija, literarna zgodovina, primerjalne študije, povzetki, zborniki
Published in RUP: 06.11.2021; Views: 1188; Downloads: 7
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Tržne raziskave v modni industriji : magistrska naloga
Lucija Magajna, 2013, master's thesis

Keywords: modna industrija, tržne raziskave, psihologija mode, sociologija mode, modni trendi
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 3313; Downloads: 172
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Power and organizations
Stewart Clegg, David Courpasson, Nelson Phillips, 2006

Abstract: Power and organizations
Keywords: organizacija podjetja, sociologija podjetja
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 2585; Downloads: 29
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Mojca Urek: Zgodbe na delu: pripovedovanje, zapisovanje in poročanje v socialnem delu. Ljubljana, Založba /cf, 2005, 319 str.
Mateja Sedmak, 2006, review, book review, critique

Abstract: Mojca Urek: Zgodbe na delu: pripovedovanje, zapisovanje in poročanje v socialnem delu. Ljubljana, Založba /*cf, 2005, 319 str.
Keywords: sociologija, socialno delo, metodologija, knjižne ocene
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 4823; Downloads: 141
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Robert Mills: Suspended animation. Pain, pleasure and punishement in medieval culture. London, Reaktion books, 2005
Urška Bratož, 2007, review, book review, critique

Abstract: Robert Mills: Suspended animation. Pain, pleasure and punishement in medieval culture. London, Reaktion books, 2005, 248 str.
Keywords: zgodovina, sociologija kulture, ikonografija, srednji vek, ocene knjig
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 2592; Downloads: 12
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Vida Sruk: Človek, odtujen v množico. Družbenokulturni diskurz Joséja Ortege Y Gasseta. Maribor, Slavistično društvo, 2007, 206 str.
Avgust Lešnik, 2008, review, book review, critique

Abstract: Vida Sruk: Človek, odtujen v množico. Družbenokulturni diskurz Joséja Ortege Y Gasseta
Keywords: sociologija kulture, družba, knjižne ocene
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 4121; Downloads: 35
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Inovativnost v stanovanjskem načrtovanju in v urejanju prostora : Europan v Izoli
Zdravko Mlinar, 2009, original scientific article

Abstract: As the world is growing increasingly open (informatization, globalization), there is more and more place for innovation in housing design and organization of space. The inclusion of Slovenia into Europan, the European organization of young architects and urban planners, provided a way to gather a wealth of ideas concerning housing design and organization of space for various programmes in the Livade-west area in Iyola. A total of fifty projects was submitted, representing the highest number of participants from all over Europe taking part in a single competition in Slovenia so far. Young experts envisioned different ways to reach beyond the disadvantages of mono-functional housing quarters and to create a spatial arrangement, which would encourage a livelier mode of urban life. Their attention was focused on the typical traits of the Mediterranean environment, particularly the relationship between public, half-public and private space. Generally, the solutions would give a high priority to spaces, which enable and encourage social interaction of residents. However, though they produced innovative and variable schemes of bringing together and intertwining public, half-public and private spaces, they would usually not devote much attention to potential impairment of privacy in residential spaces. Suggested solutions pay regard to social-developmental trends like the increasing diversity of lifestyles and the increasing social and spatial mobility of the population, which demands certain flexibility of the urban structure. However, when looking at the past, some authors regard the continuity as overwhelmingly self-evident and do not consider the fact, that the same spatially-physical arrangements do not produce the same effects today as they did in the past. In general, not enough attention is devoted to the fact, that the space itself is not (any longer) a decisive factor, but has become of secondary significance compared to the increasing number and diversity of interests. The lack of knowledge about the sociological findings concerning social contacts in space and desired and undesired effects of informal social control is evident. On one hand Europan opens the sphere of new ideas and brings about the enrichment of the practice of building mono-functional housing quarters, which had prevailed in the recent past. On the other hand it remains predominantly limited to the architectural aspect and enclosed within the logical frame of the physical structure of construction while neglecting the novelties of the information age. The failure to realize the best and awarded Europan solutions in Slovenia and elsewhere brings attention to urban actors and their interests. So far, this has not been considered as an expert field or has been considered to belong to other fields of research (economy, sociology). Along with the need for more intensive inclusion into Europan at the level of the state and individual municipalities, there will be a greater need for: 1. critical (interdisciplinary) expert response to baseless general starting points and 2. exhaustive determination and disclosure of typical domestic, local traits, which can influence the action of participants, who do not know them
Keywords: prostorska sociologija, urbanizem, stanovanjsko načrtovanje, ustvarjalno okolje, inovacije, javni prostori, zasebnost, Europan, Izola, Slovenija
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 2657; Downloads: 44
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Kultura in umetniške prakse v času poznega kapitalizma
Polona Tratnik, 2009, original scientific article

Keywords: kultura, umetnost, kapitalizem, postmodernizem, sociologija kulture, teorija umetnosti
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 3509; Downloads: 20
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