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A census of 4-valent half-arc-transitive graphs and arc-transitive digraphs of valence two : dedicated to Dragan Marušič on the occasion of his 60th birthday
Primož Potočnik, Pablo Spiga, Gabriel Verret, 2015, original scientific article

Abstract: A complete list of all connected arc-transitive asymmetric digraphs of in-valence and out-valence 2 on up to 1000 vertices is presented. As a byproduct, a complete list of all connected 4-valent graphs admitting a half-arc-transitive group of automorphisms on up to 1000 vertices is obtained. Several graph-theoretical properties of the elements of our census are calculated and discussed.
Keywords: graphs, digraphs, edge-transitive, vertex-transitive, arc-transitive, half arc-transitive
Published in RUP: 30.12.2021; Views: 1153; Downloads: 17
.pdf Full text (370,47 KB)

On the order of arc-stabilisers in arc-transitive graphs, II
Gabriel Verret, 2013, original scientific article

Keywords: arc-transitive graphs, graph-restrictive group, local action
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 3892; Downloads: 73
URL Link to full text

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