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Vpliv etnične identitete na razvoj rezilience pri mladostnikih iz priseljenskih družin
Karmen Drljić, Jana Suklan, Vanja Riccarda Kiswarday, 2015, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: Rezilienca je dinamičen proces, za katerega sta značilni splošna življenjska prilagodljivost in prožnost mladostnika, ki kljub težavam ohranja svoj pričakovani razvoj. Pri tem imajo pomembno vlogo varovalni dejavniki tako znotraj posameznika kot tudi v njegovem družbenem okolju. Vzgojno-izobraževalne institucije lahko prispevajo k razvoju tako etnične identitete kot tudi rezilience. Etnična identiteta je psihosocialni razvojni proces, znotraj katerega se mladostnik na podlagi raziskovanja in razumevanja svoje etnične pripadnosti opredeli. Možni so štirje etnično identitetni statusi: privzeti, razpršeni, odloženi in doseženi. Omenjamo tudi dva modela spodbujanja razvoja rezilience v šoli, na podlagi katerih v zaključku oblikujemo priporočila za medkulturno inkluzivno usmerjeno šolo. Naš namen je bil razrešiti dihotomnost etnične identitete kot varovalnega dejavnika ali dejavnika tveganja pri mladostnikih iz priseljenskih družin. Strukturiran vprašalnik, ki je vključeval lestvico rezilience in merilno lestvico etnične identitete, je med marcem in junijem 2011 rešilo 371 slovenskih mladostnikov različnih etničnih pripadnosti, starih med 12 in 19 leti. Lestvica rezilience je bila v raziskavah prepoznana kot ustrezni merilni inštrument za merjenje stopnje rezilince med mladostniki in pripadniki različnih narodnosti. V preteklosti je bila izmerjena visoka zanesljivost obeh lestvic. V obeh primerih je bil koeficient Cronbach alfa nad 0,80. Hipoteze smo preverjali z analizo varianc in Games-Howellovim post hoc preizkusom. Rezultati so pokazali, da je dosežena etnična identiteta vplivala na razvoj rezilience pri mladostnikih iz priseljenskih družin. Inkluzivna in multikulturna šola je šola, ki mladostnikom dopušča raziskovanje in izražanje etnične identitete ter skozi vzgojno-izobraževalne procese posreduje multikulturne kompetence, ki so ključne za širšo socialno kohezijo in družbeno zrelost.
Keywords: mladostniki, rezilienca, varovalni dejavniki, etnična identiteta
Published in RUP: 14.10.2015; Views: 3571; Downloads: 76
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Manjšine in skupinske (etnične) identitete : primerjalna študija slovenske in italijanske manjšine
Mateja Sedmak, 2009, original scientific article

Abstract: The article addresses the issue of minority identity or common ethnic identity. It represents an attempt to define the common identity of the Slovenian minority living in the region of Trieste (Italy) and the Italian minority living in Slovenian Istria (Slovenia). The aim of the contribution is to answer the following questions: What is the common (ethnic) identity of Slovenian and Italian minorities? What differences or similarities can be found in common identities of the mentioned ethnic minority groups? What are the reasons for the existence of similarities and, above all, differences in the identities of Slovenian and Italian minorities? The interpretative comparative analysis is based on quantitative and qualitative data collected while conducting field research from 2006 to 2008. The observations presented in the article suggest that members of the mentioned minorities become aware of their ethnic or national affiliation relatively early in life, the realiyation of one's own "minority" identity usually either begins in early childhood or "has always been present". A feature that is specific of the collective (ethnic) identity of both minorities is an awareness of being different from the majority ethnicity with which they share the living environment, while at the same time being separated and different also from their "original" ethnicity. An important determinant of the differentiation of common identities in the dealt with minorities, which at the same time significantly defines the common identity of the Slovenian minority, is its distinctly "closed nature" or existence of more solid and less permeable ethnic borders and a greater need for and the actual expression of one's ethnic origin in their local environment. A lower permeability of ethnic borders is reflected in the incidence of ethnically mixed partnerships and families, in the prevalent contacts within the ethnic community, etc. On the whole, members of the Italian minority tend to express a greater collective confidence and a more positive self image. An important characteristic of both minority groups derives from the minority status per se, specifically the tendency to preserve their mother tongue, culture, tradition and customs. To sum up, apart from the mostly expected similarities, the research also revealed many differences. If the similarities in minorities' common identities stem from the minority status itself, the differences are primarily a consequence of specific socio-historical and political circumstances in which both minorities live and are active.
Keywords: manjšine, etnične skupine, etnična identiteta, slovenska manjšina, italijanska manjšina
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 3414; Downloads: 70
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Grožnja in odgovornost v medijskem diskurzu o nacionalnem jeziku
Simona Bergoč, 2009, original scientific article

Abstract: The main reflection of this paper could be summarized into the following statement: the topoi of threat and responsibility are firmly incorporated into the structure of Slovene ethno-linguistic identity. This thesis contradicts the scientific presumptions of the paper concerning the mentioned topoi, which represent discoursive strategies - that is more or less intentional plans of achieving communication objectives. In the paper, the topoi of threat and responsibility were identified through analysis of discourse in commentaries from the Saturday supplement (Sobotna priloga) of Delo newspaper, monitored in two three-month periods preceding the Independence Plebiscite (23rd December 1990) and the referendum on entering the EU (23rd March 2003). The sample was selected by considering the basic communicological criteria: the question of media influence, their readership and ownership. In the beginning, the author positions the problem of topoi into the debate on the symbolic and performative role of language. She outlines the developmental path of the inclusion of national language into the repertory of national symbols and, with the aid of the performativity concept (the so called creating of reality), presents the topoi as a discoursive strategy of creating a relation of values among social phaenomena.In the case of the Slovene as a national language the topoi of threat and responsibility function as a unity, namely, if we accept the preposition of threat, someone has to take responsibility for resolving the situation at hand. The author tries to show, that the above topoi have arisen on the basis of historical antagonisms, in particular the experiences of Slovene national community within the context of larger political entities and majority languages. In the period before the plebiscite in 1990, the relevant argumentation emphasiyed the exclusiveness of the Slovene language, which contributed to the conviction that there is no sense in forming political alliances with "incompatible" cultural communities. In the period preceding the referendum in 2003 one would expect a lower rate of occurrence of argumentation arising from the topoi of threat and responsibility, as the editorial policies of the newspaper in question were distinctly pro-European, however, the analysis of the material did not show any significant differences between the structures of argumentation in both periods discussed. Therefore, we can assume that, when it comes to language, the topoi of threat and responsibility are markedly present in the structure of Slovene ethno-lingustic identity regardless of their various contexts. Upon considering the findings of a wider-scope research discussed in Bergoč 2008a, which pointed out the use of argumentation based on the sense of linguistic vulnerability in the context of articles in 2003 discussing culture and the entire corpus of Slovene literature sensu stricto, the author elaborated a thesis, that the potential problem of Slovene language was placed into its traditional hermetical context of Slovene literature. In this way it had been stripped of its political charge, persuasive potential and any potential influence on the results of the referendum on entering of Slovenia into the EU.
Keywords: slovenščina, etnična identiteta, jezikovna identiteta, Evropska unija, analiza diskurza
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 3284; Downloads: 37
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