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Title:Negativni spolni stereotipi in predsodki v slovenski družbeno-religijski sferi
Authors:ID Furlan-Štante, Nadja (Author)
Work type:Not categorized
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:UPR - University of Primorska
Abstract:Vprašanje spolnih stereotipov in predsodkov je v današnjem svetu, ki hodi po poti enakovrednosti spolov, nadvse pomembno in aktualno. Spreminjajo se tradicionalno določene stereotipne podobe moškega in ženske, njune vloge dobivajo novo vsebino in obliko. Za poglobljeno raziskovanje navzočnosti negativnih spolnih stereotipov in predsodkov ter enakopravnosti spolov v slovenski družbeni in katoliški cerkveni sferi je bila izvedena manjša raziskava s pomočjo vprašalnika. Rezultati kažejo na navzočnost negativnih spolnih stereotipov in spolne diskriminacije, vendar tudi na bolj optimistične težnje po enakopravnosti spolov in po spreminjanju tradicionalno določenih spolnih vlog.
Keywords:spol, stereotipi, predsodki, tradicionalnost, vloge
Publisher:Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis - Fakulteta za podiplomski humanistični študij
Year of publishing:2008
Number of pages:str. 61-76
Numbering:Letn. 10, št. 1
PID:20.500.12556/RUP-5070 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1410189 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUP:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Negative gender stereotypes and prejudices in the Slovene socio-religious sphere
Abstract:Given the contemporary tendencies towards gender equality, the question of gender stereotypes and prejudices is a topical issue. The traditional stereotyped images of men and women are changing and gaining new contents. To enable in-depth investigation into the gender stereotypes and prejudices underlining the discrimination of women in Slovene society and the Catholic Church, a small-scale study has been conducted with the help of a questionnaire. The research findings reveal a residue of negative stereotypes and the accompanying discrimination, but also a more optimistic trend towards equality.
Keywords:gender, stereotypes, prejudices, tradition, roles


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