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FAMNIT - Faculty of Mathematics, Science and Information Technologies
FHŠ - Faculty of Humanities
FM - Faculty of Management
FTŠ Turistica - Turistica – College of Tourism Portorož
FVZ - Faculty of Health Sciences
IAM - Andrej Marušič Institute
PEF - Faculty of Education
UPR - University of Primorska
ZUP - University of Primorska Press
University of Primorska, University Library - all departments
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MSc theses (9)
Sead Hrustanović:
Recognition of eudaemonic and hedonic qualities from song lyrics
Eva Puc:
Filmski priporočilni sistem – psihološki konstrukti ali ocena všečnosti in filmski žanr
Đorđe Klisura:
Automated pipeline for binary classification of high-dimensional biomedical data
Uroš Sergaš:
Tribalizem in lažne novice: opisni in napovedni modeli vpliva prepričanj na zaupanje novicam
Arsen Matej Golubovikj:
Imputing missing answers in the World Values Survey
Mateja Jovanović:
Predicting the gullibility of users from their online behaviour
Aleksandar Avdalović:
Prevod naključnih gozdov v imperativne programe brez zanke za namen formalnega preverjanja
Gregor Grbec:
Rangiranje nogometašev z uporabo večnivojskega modeliranja
Elena Spirova:
Music and myth
BSc theses (8)
Sebastijan Peruško:
Uporaba razpoloženja objav na omrežju Twitter za napovedovanje vrednosti delnice TSLA
Igor Saveski:
Napovedovanje in izbira strategij za izboljšanje napovedi športnih stavnic
Simeon Stanić:
Povečanje dobička z nakupom in prodajo kriptožetonov na podlagi priporočil iz usposobljenega modela
Riste Micev:
Izvedba in ocenjevanje uporabniško usmerjenega sistema za priporočanje filmov
Jana Ristovska:
Spodbujevalno učenje s pomočjo človeka na primeru igre Flappy Bird
Nadeen Al Hawamdeh:
Analiza pomena značilk za napoved ocen filmov
Mirko Dugajlić:
Prediction of song qualities from audio and lyrics
Anja Pijak:
Predicting the development of user preferences from childhood to adulthood in the movie and cartoon domains with machine learning
Other documents (23)
Mehdi Elahi, Farshad B. Moghaddam, Reza Hosseini, Mohammad Hossein Rimaz, Nabil El Ioini, Marko Tkalčič, Christoph Trattner, Tammam Tillo:
Recommending videos in cold start with automatic visual tags
Shabnam Najafian, Amra Delić, Marko Tkalčič, Nava Tintarev:
Factors influencing privacy concern for explanations of group recommendation
Bruce Ferwerda, Emily Yang, Markus Schedl, Marko Tkalčič:
Personality and taxonomy preferences, and the influence of category choice on the user experience for music streaming services
Mohammad Hossein Rimaz, Mehdi Elahi, Farshad Bakhshandegan Moghadam, Christoph Trattner, Reza Hosseini, Marko Tkalčič:
Exploring the power of visual features for the recommendation of movies
Mark P. Graus, Bruce Ferwerda, Marko Tkalčič, Panagiotis Germanakos:
A summary of the third workshop on theory-informed user modeling for tailoring and personalizing interfaces
Bruce Ferwerda, Marko Tkalčič:
Exploring online music listening behaviors of musically sophisticated users
Mark P. Graus, Bruce Ferwerda, Marko Tkalčič, Panagiotis Germanakos:
Third workshop on theory-informed user modeling for tailoring and personalizing interfaces (HUMANIZE)
Marko Tkalčič:
Complementing behavioural modeling with cognitive modeling for better recommendations
Bruce Ferwerda, Marko Tkalčič:
Predicting users' personality from instagram pictures
Marko Tkalčič:
Emotions and personality in recommender systems
Mark P. Graus, Bruce Ferwerda, Marko Tkalčič, Panagiotis Germanakos:
Fourth HUMANIZE workshop on transparency and explainability in adaptive systems through user modeling grounded in psychological theory
Bruce Ferwerda, Marko Tkalčič:
Exploring the prediction of personality traits from drug consumption profiles
Francesco Barile, Francesco Ricci, Marko Tkalčič, Bernardo Magnini, Roberto Zanoli, Alberto Lavelli, Manuela Speranza:
A news recommender system for media monitoring
Farshad B. Moghaddam, Mehdi Elahi, Reza Hosseini, Christoph Trattner, Marko Tkalčič:
Predicting movie popularity and ratings with visual features
Marko Tkalčič, Maria Soledad Pera:
ACM RecSys'19 late-breaking results (posters)
Francesco Barile, Francesco Ricci, Marko Tkalčič, Bernardo Magnini, Roberto Zanoli, Alberto Lavelli, Manuela Speranza:
Media monitoring using news recommenders
Marko Tkalčič, Maria Soledad Pera:
Marko Tkalčič, Markus Schedl, Peter Knees:
Preface to the Special Issue on user modeling for personalized interaction with music
Amra Delić, Thuy Ngoc Nguyen, Marko Tkalčič:
Group decision-making and designing group recommender systems
Marko Tkalčič, Bruce Ferwerda:
Eudaimonic modeling of moviegoers
Bruce Ferwerda, Li Chen, Marko Tkalčič:
Psychological models for personalized human-computer interaction (HCI)
Mehdi Elahi, Danial Khosh Kholgh, Mohammad Sina Kiarostami, Sorush Saghari, Shiva Parsa Rad, Marko Tkalčič:
Investigating the impact of recommender systems on user-based and item-based popularity bias