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Bibliography of the person, including all types of documents, not only theses.

BSc theses (1)

  1. Matevž Premelč: Geografski vidik dinarsko-alpskega ekološkega koridorja

Other documents (16)

  1. Boris Kryštufek, Nataša Režek Donev, Janko Skok: Species richness and distribution of non-volant small mammals along an elevational gradient on a Mediterranean mountain
  2. Boris Kryštufek: Unusual occurrence of the bicoloured white-toothed shrew (Crocidura leucodon)
  3. Boris Kryštufek, Martina Lužnik, Elena Bužan: Mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences resolve the taxonomy of field mice (Apodemus) in the western Balkan refugium
  4. Boris Kryštufek, Peter Glasnović, Svetozar Petkovski: The status of a rare phylogeographic lineage of the vulnerable European souslik Spermophilus citellus, endemic to central Macedonia
  5. Boris Kryštufek, Tanya Zorenko, Elena Bužan: New insights into the taxonomy and phylogeny of social voles inferred from mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences
  6. Hibernacija ali zimsko spanje
  7. Mobilnost pedagoških delavcev
  8. Boris Kryštufek: Process and pattern in small mammal diversity in the Balkan glacial refugium
  9. Boris Kryštufek, Janez Gregori: V spomin
  10. Boris Kryštufek, Andrej Šorgo, Franc Janžekovič: Elevational distribution of small terrestrial mammals on Mt. Pohorje, Slovenia
  11. Boris Kryštufek, Andrej Hudoklin, Dušan Pavlin: Bober (Castor fiber) v Sloveniji
  12. Katarina Ljubisavljević, Peter Glasnović, Katja Kalan, Boris Kryštufek: Female reproductive characteristics of the Horvath's rock lizard (Iberolacerta horvathi) from Slovenia
  13. Gligor Paspali, Selfo Oruçi, Mynyr Koni, I. Wilson, Boris Kryštufek, Ferdinand Bego: Seasonal variation of small mammals in the diet of the barn owl (Tyto alba) in the Drinos River valley, southern Albania
  14. Elena Bužan, Marie Pagès, Johan Michaux, Boris Kryštufek: Phylogenetic position of the Ohiya rat (Srilankamys ohiensis) based on mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequence analysis
  15. Jan Zima, Atilla Arslan, Petr Benda, Miloš Macholán, Boris Kryštufek: Chromosomal variation in social voles
  16. Franc Janžekovič, Boris Kryštufek: Non-volant terrestrial mammals (Mammalia) on the Adriatic island of Korčula
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