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Bibliography of the person, including all types of documents, not only theses.

PhD theses (2)

  1. Alexander Vasilyev: O Jadranskih indeksih, spektralnih lastnostih Jadranskih matrik in programska oprema za topološke deskriptorje
  2. Paweł Petecki: Določeni razredi (hiper)grafov in njihove algebraične lastnosti

MSc theses (3)

  1. Valentina Petelin: Celoštevilski grafi
  2. Peter Muršič: Particija grafa, odkrivanje skupnosti in maksimalen prerez
  3. Daliborko Šabić: Wienerjevemu indeksu podobni indeksi na grafih

BSc theses (2)

  1. Angelina Ćirković: Indeks povezanosti atomske vezi (ABC indeks)
  2. Katja Opeka: Padmakar-Ivanov indeks

Other documents (17)

  1. Dragan Stevanović: Further nonexistence results on integral graphs
  2. Dragan Stevanović: Laplacian coefficients and Laplacian-like energy of graphs
  3. Dragan Stevanović: Play with the principal eigenvector of decorated graphs
  4. Dragan Stevanović: Bioinformatics and spectra of graphs
  5. Dragan Stevanović: Energy of graphs: a few open problems and some suggestions
  6. Dragan Stevanović: Data Mining Chair and GERAD, "Spectral radius of some infinite graphs"
  7. Dragan Stevanović, Aleksandar Ilić, Cristina Onişor, Mircea V. Diudea: LEL-a Newly Designed Molecular Descriptor
  8. Dragan Stevanović, Marko Milošević: A spectral proof of the uniqueness of a strongly regular graph with parameters (81, 20, 1, 6)
  9. Dragan Stevanović: The Laplacian coefficients and the Laplacian-like energy of graphs
  10. Dragan Stevanović: Comparing the Zagreb indices of the NEPS of graphs
  11. Dragan Stevanović: Bags, bugs and automated Laplacian bounds
  12. Dragan Stevanović, Ivan Gutman, Masood U. Rehman: On spectral radius and energy of complete multipartite graphs
  13. Jelena Sedlar, Dragan Stevanović, Alexander Vasilyev: On the inverse sum indeg index
  14. Dragan Stevanović: Large sets of long distance equienergetic graphs
  15. Milan Pokorný, Pavel Híc, Dragan Stevanović, Marko Milošević: On distance integral graphs
  16. Guihai Yu, Lihua Feng, Aleksandar Ilić, Dragan Stevanović: The signless Laplacian spectral radius of bounded degree graphs on surfaces
  17. Dragan Stevanović: On [plus/minus] 1 eigenvectors of graphs
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