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FAMNIT - Faculty of Mathematics, Science and Information Technologies
FHŠ - Faculty of Humanities
FM - Faculty of Management
FTŠ Turistica - Turistica – College of Tourism Portorož
FVZ - Faculty of Health Sciences
IAM - Andrej Marušič Institute
PEF - Faculty of Education
UPR - University of Primorska
ZUP - University of Primorska Press
University of Primorska, University Library - all departments
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MSc theses (2)
Tjaša Zadnik:
Ponovno vzpostavljanje terapevtske alianse – soočanje terapevtov z motnjami v terapevtskem odnosu
Samanta Hervol:
Pismenost o duševnem zdravju, stigma in stališča do iskanja strokovne psihološke pomoči med slovenskimi mladostniki
BSc theses (1)
Nina Mikl:
Osebnostne lastnosti in njihova percepcija v povezavi s partnerskim zadovoljstvom
Other documents (30)
Urša Mars Bitenc, Tina Podlogar, Dejan Kozel, Ana Petrović, Vita Poštuvan:
Education on suicide for police peers in Slovenia
Tina Podlogar, Urša Mars Bitenc, Janina Žiberna, Vita Poštuvan:
Integrated approach of mental health promotion and primary prevention of suicidal behaviour for adolescents - preliminary results
Tina Podlogar:
Z delom povezani dejavniki tveganja za samomorilno vedenje, varovalni dejavniki in možnosti preventivnega delovanja
Nuša Zadravec Šedivy, Tina Podlogar, David C. R. Kerr, Diego De Leo:
Community social support as a protective factor against suicide
Tina Podlogar:
Vloga medijev in interneta pri samopoškodovalnem ter samomorilnem vedenju mladih
Meta PhoDcast zapisi 67
Tina Podlogar, Vita Poštuvan, Urška Mali Kovačič, Diego De Leo:
Exploring the role of Slovenian scouts leaders as gatekeepers for suicidal behaviour
Anat Brunstein Klomek, Shira Barzilay, Alan Apter, Vladimir Carli, Christina W. Hoven, Marco Sarchiapone, Gergö Hadlaczky, Judit Balazs, Vita Poštuvan, Tina Podlogar:
Bi-directional longitudinal associations between different types of bullying victimization, suicide ideation/attempts, and depression among a large sample of European adolescents
Vita Poštuvan, Maja Rahne, Tina Podlogar, Maja Jurjevčič Tržan, Nuša Zadravec Šedivy:
Preprečevanje samomora v šolskem okolju * izkušnje projekta A (se) štekaš?!?
Nina Krohne, Meta Lavrič, Maja Jurjevčič Tržan, Tina Podlogar, Vita Poštuvan:
Pismenost o duševnem zdravju med odraslo populacijo v Sloveniji
Tina Podlogar:
Mental health literacy in adult population in Slovenia
Shira Barzilay, Alan Apter, Avigal Snir, Vladimir Carli, Christina W. Hoven, Marco Sarchiapone, Gergö Hadlaczky, Judit Balazs, Vita Poštuvan, Tina Podlogar:
A longitudinal examination of the interpersonal theory of suicide and effects of school-based suicide prevention interventions in a multinational study of adolescents
Tina Podlogar:
Doživljanje strokovnjakov za duševno zdravje pri terapevtskem delu s samomorilno ogroženimi klienti
Michael Kaess, Lena Eppelmann, Romuald Brunner, Peter Parzer, Franz Resch, Vladimir Carli, Camilla Wasserman, Marco Sarchiapone, Vita Poštuvan, Tina Podlogar:
Life events predicting the first onset of adolescent direct self-injurious behavior - a prospective multicenter study
Joy Benatov, Anat Brunstein Klomek, Barzilay Shira, Alan Apter, Vladimir Carli, Camilla Wasserman, Christina W. Hoven, Marco Sarchiapone, Tina Podlogar, Vita Poštuvan:
Doing nothing is sometimes worse
Meta Lavrič, Vanja Gomboc, Nina Krohne, Tina Podlogar, Vita Poštuvan, Nuša Zadravec Šedivy, Diego De Leo:
Loneliness within the general population of Slovenia
Vanja Gomboc, Nina Krohne, Meta Lavrič, Tina Podlogar, Nuša Zadravec Šedivy, Vita Poštuvan, Diego De Leo:
Primerjava osamljenosti in subjektivnega blagostanja v času normalnih in izrednih razmer
Meta Lavrič, Vanja Gomboc, Nina Krohne, Tina Podlogar, Vita Poštuvan, Nuša Zadravec Šedivy, Diego De Leo:
Skrbi, pozitivne spremembe in predlogi za psihološko podporo v času epidemije COVID-19
Nina Krohne, Vanja Gomboc, Meta Lavrič, Tina Podlogar, Nuša Zadravec Šedivy, Vita Poštuvan, Diego De Leo:
Vloga zaposlitvenih dejavnikov pri izbranih kazalnikih duševnega zdravja v času epidemije COVID-19
Meta Lavrič, Vanja Gomboc, Nina Krohne, Tina Podlogar, Vita Poštuvan, Nuša Zadravec Šedivy, Diego De Leo:
Concerns, positive changes, and suggestions for psychological support during COVID-19
Vita Poštuvan, Alenka Tančič Grum, Tina Podlogar, Urša Mars Bitenc:
Pilot implementation of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in Slovenia
Monika Brdnik, Nuša Zadravec Šedivy, Tina Podlogar, Vanja Gomboc, Meta Lavrič, Nina Krohne, Vita Poštuvan:
Do you understand (yourself)?!? Study on the mental health and suicidal behaviour of adolescents in Slovenia - preliminary results
Ana Petrović, Vita Poštuvan, Dejan Kozel, Tina Podlogar, Urša Mars Bitenc, Alenka Tančič Grum:
Beliefs about suicide preventability among police officers in Slovenia
Alenka Tančič Grum, Vita Poštuvan, Urša Mars Bitenc, Tina Podlogar:
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapyprogramme in Slovenia - a plan for implementation
Vita Poštuvan, Tina Podlogar, Nuša Zadravec Šedivy, Diego De Leo:
Suicidal behaviour among sexual-minority youth
Maja Rahne, Tina Podlogar, Nuša Zadravec Šedivy, Vita Poštuvan:
Prevention of suicidal behaviour in the school environment - The preliminary results of a Slovenian preventive programme Do you understand (yourself)?!?
Tina Podlogar, Gregor Žvelc, Vita Poštuvan, Diego De Leo:
Težave, ki jih doživljajo strokovnjaki za duševno zdravje pri delu s samomorilno ogroženimi posamezniki
Tina Podlogar, Diego De Leo, Gregor Žvelc:
Therapists' experiences and views on working with suicidal clients
Urška Mali Kovačič, Tina Podlogar, Diego De Leo, Vita Poštuvan:
Mladinsko delo, krepitev duševnega zdravja in preprečevanje samomora
Vanja Gomboc, Nina Krohne, Meta Lavrič, Tina Podlogar, Vita Poštuvan, Nuša Zadravec Šedivy, Diego De Leo:
Emotional and social loneliness as predictors of suicidal ideation in diferent age groups