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Bibliography of the person, including all types of documents, not only theses.

MSc theses (1)

  1. Kristina Šparemblek: Variabilnost srčne frekvence med spanjem pri bolnikih z narkolepsijo

Other documents (2)

  1. Shawnda A. Morrison, Andrej Pangerc, Ola Eiken, Igor B. Mekjavić, Leja Dolenc-Grošelj: Effect of exercise on night periodic breathing and loop gain during hypoxic confinement
  2. Helio Fernandez Tellez, Shawnda A. Morrison, X Neyt, O. Mairesse, Maria Francesca Piacentini, E Macdonald-Nethercott, Andrej Pangerc, Leja Dolenc-Grošelj, Ola Eiken, Nathalie Pattyn, Igor B. Mekjavić, Romain Meeusen: Exercise during short-term and long-term continuous exposure to hypoxia exacerbates sleep-related periodic breathing
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