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Bibliography of the person, including all types of documents, not only theses.

BSc theses (1)

  1. Tina Šmigoc: Potencialna uporaba kanabinoidov pri zdravljenju Alzheimerjeve bolezni

Other documents (2)

  1. Michaël Barbier, Steffen Jaensch, Frans Cornelissen, Suzana Vidic, Kjersti Gjerde, Ronald de Hoogt, Ralph Graeser, Emmanuel Gustin, Yolanda T. Chong: Ellipsoid segmentation model for analyzing light-attenuated 3D confocal image stacks of fluorescent multi-cellular spheroids
  2. Kristin Stock, Marta F. Estrada, Suzana Vidic, Kjersti Gjerde, Albin Rudisch, Vitor E. Santo, Michaël Barbier, Sami Blom, Sharath C. Arundkar, Irwin Selvam: Capturing tumor complexity in vitro
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