
Statistics of RUP

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The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Enes Pašalić

Together there are 65 keywords, that are appearing 71 times.
6 of them (9.23 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 12 times (16.9 % of all appearances).

2x16.67%permutations, derivatives, Boolean function, bent functions, planar mappings, APN function
1xboolove funkcije, (relative) difference sets, (generalized) Marioana-McFarland class, stream ciphers, guess and determine cryptanalysis, filtering generator, Gray maps, Zq-bent functions, FX, SPN, nelinearnost, AB function, generalized bent functions, tap positions, algebraic immunity, disjoint spectra, linenarized polynomials, plateaued functions, semi-bent functions, cross-correlation, kriptografija, symetric polynomials, binomial trace functions, linear structures, sum-of-squares indicator, Feistel network, Boolean functions, vectorial (generalized) bent functions, (fast) algebraic attacks, Grover's algorithm, correlation immunity, finite fields, resiliency, vecotorial bent function, complete Maiorana-McFaralnd class, class inclusion, Marioana-McFarland class, nonlinearity, S-box, vectorial Boolean function, differential uniformity, algebraic normal form, cubic monomials, MNBC functions, secondary constructions, quantum algorithms, direct sum, cryptanalysis of block ciphers, postquantum analysis, Bernstein-Vazirani's algorithm, Simon's algorithm, characteristic functions, Ashikhmin-Barg bound, 4-decomposition, weakly/almost strongly/strongly outside M#, SC and CD class, direct and indirect sum, minimal linear codes, Kuperberg's algorithm
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