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The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Martin Milanič

Together there are 123 keywords, that are appearing 129 times.
5 of them (4.07 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 11 times (8.53 % of all appearances).

2x18.18%teorija grafov, integer linear programming, approximation algorithm, H-free graph
1xdistinctness, readability, integer linear program, overlap graph, labeling, HUB-number, hereditaren grafovski razred, pragoven graf, toroidal grid graphs, two-dimensional grid graphs, path transversal, decomposition, price of connectivity, block-cactus graph, cobipartite graph, cograph, circular arc graph, chordal graph, interval graph, K4-minor-free graph, outerplanar graph, strong product, dominantno pragoven graf, direct product, lexicographic product, graph product, Cartesian product, cycle transversal, totalno dominantna množica, izrek o popolnih grafih, osnovni razredi popolnih grafov, popolni grafi, problem samih enic, dominantna množica, liho dominantna množica, podvojitev kocke, kvadratura kroga, polynomial algorithm, equistable graph, independent set, dualnost, trisekcija kota, hevrističen algoritem, problem mešane popolne filogenije, k-razširljivost, k-notranje razširljiv graf, k-prirejanje, ekvistarabilen graf, povezana dominantna množica, ekvistabilen graf, kartezični produkt grafov, combinatorial optimization, NP-težek problem, problem barvanja grafov, popolna filogenija, submodular function maximization, submodular function, structural characterization of families of graphs, Saksa in Seymourja, minimum uncovering branching problem, branching, minimum conflict-free row split problem, perfect phylogeny, celoštevilsko linearno programiranje, CPLEX, acyclic digraph, chain partition, direktni produkt, krepki produkt, leksikografski produkt, kartezični produkt, Dilworth's theorem, razvoj mutacij v tumorju, popolna logenija, pragovni grafi, linearna algebra, series parallel graph, induced minor, treewidth, tree-independence number, distance-k dominating set, distance-k edge dominating set, NP-complete problem, dichotomy theorem, polynomial-time algorithm, distance k-edge cover, distance-k vertex cover, 1-popolna usmeritev, graf, university timetabling, NP-completeness, popoln graf, kromatični indeks, barvanje povezav, kromatično število, mathematical modelling, kromatično število grafa, tree decomposition, linearen hipergraf, domneva Alona, Faberja in Lovász, domneva Erdősa, barvanje točk, izrek o grafovskih minorjih, vector domination, vector connectivity, graph, dualen sistem, Boolova funkcija, metoda prepoznavanja matematičnih vzorcev, submodular set covering problem, greedy heuristic, izrek Kuratowskega, minor, subdivizija, ravninska vložitev, ravninski graf, 1-perfectly orientable graph
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