
Statistics of RUP

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The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Vito Vitrih

Together there are 41 keywords, that are appearing 44 times.
2 of them (4.88 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 5 times (11.36 % of all appearances).

2x40%pitagorejski hodograf
1xmagnetni disk, Bézierove krivulje, de Casteljauev algoritem, racionalne Bézierove krivulje, baricentrične koordinate, Wachspressove koordinate, koordinate povprečne vrednosti, polinomske Bézierove krivulje, Bézierove ploskve, algoritem, nelinearne enačbe, polinomske enačbe, konvergenca, numerične metode, Blender, Bézierovi trikotniki, polinom, kontrolne točke, CAGD, krivulja, izogeomterična analiza, Bernsteinovi polinomi, Bezierove krivulje, aproksimacija, hierarhični zlepki, approximation, isogeometric analysis, collocation method, CAD aplikacije, polinomska krivulja, Bézier, Gordon-Coons, krpa, interpolacija, krivulje, cikloidne krivulje, algebraične-trigonometrijske krivulje, polinomi, B-splines
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