1. Management in monitoring poslovnih ter tehnoloških procesov : doktorska disertacijaRobert Pavlin, 2024, doctoral dissertation Keywords: CMK, kritične strojne zmožnosti, CPK, kritične procesne zmožnosti, KPI, management, MSA, OEE, skupna učinkovitost opreme, PMM, ROI, donosnost vloženega kapitala Published in RUP: 14.11.2024; Views: 148; Downloads: 15 Full text (3,16 MB) |
2. Business process management : study materialAleksander Janeš, 2024, other educational material Keywords: efficient, effective, key process indicators, processes, process approach, business model, business process management, process orientation, production, services, strategic map, business perfomance Published in RUP: 24.09.2024; Views: 277; Downloads: 11 Full text (2,61 MB) |
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4. Sprememba procesov organizacije v času covid-19 : zaključna projektna nalogaMonika Preradović, 2022, undergraduate thesis Keywords: covid-19, trgovina, poslovni procesi, sprememba, ovire, organizacije, strategije, motivacija Published in RUP: 31.08.2022; Views: 1597; Downloads: 47 Full text (777,10 KB) |
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6. The aquaculture industry and opportunities for sustainable tourismArmand Faganel, Roberto Biloslavo, Aleksander Janeš, 2016, original scientific article Abstract: Tourism is an important industry in the growth of gdp in many countries, while aquaculture covers more than half of the demand for fish in the developed world. The demand and competition for farmed fish are increasing worldwide, as is the awareness of the importance of the further development of sustainable small busi- ness. In this view, innovation is crucial to promoting sustainable business models that can achieve a solid economic performance and at the same time take care of the natural environment. This article contributes to the literature on sustainable business models with a descriptive case study of the complementarity of a single fish farming company and tourism activities. The case study of a sustainable business model in aquaculture has been analysed with the use of a business model canvas that links various market-oriented elements of a business model with different stakeholders' needs. Keywords: aquaculture, tourism, brand, development, business model canvas, co-natural processes Published in RUP: 20.11.2021; Views: 1351; Downloads: 39 Full text (229,03 KB) |
7. Merjenje zrelosti procesne usmerjenostiRajko Novak, Aleksander Janeš, 2017, scientific monograph Abstract: Rezultati merjenja zrelosti procesne usmerjenosti v elektroenergetski dejavnosti kažejo, da ta kljub dolgoletnemu ukvarjanju s procesi, uvajanju procesnega pristopa, certificiranim sistemom vodenja in informatizaciji poslovanja ni visoka. Merjenje smo izvedli s pomočjo vprašalnika za razširjen koncept procesne usmerjenosti z devetimi elementi. Glede na statistično ovrednotene elemente procesne usmerjenosti se elektroenergetska dejavnost nahaja na drugi stopnji McCormackovega zrelostnega modela. Za to stopnjo (Definirano) je značilno, da so procesi opredeljeni in dokumentirani. Spremembe procesov potekajo na osnovi formalnih postopkov. Delovna mesta in organizacijske strukture že vključujejo procesni vidik, dejansko pa ostajajo funkcijske. Keywords: procesni pristop, management, procesna usmerjenost, zrelostni modeli, poslovna uspešnost, elektronske knjige Published in RUP: 06.11.2021; Views: 1361; Downloads: 44 Full text (10,63 MB) |
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