1. Populacijska dinamika polipov uhatega klobučnjaka (Aurelia aurita s.l.) : vpogled z vidika modeliranjaSara Hočevar, 2016, master's thesis Keywords: polyps, aurelia aurita, population dynamics, polyp density, density-dependent effects, density-independent effects, modelling, carrying capacity, growth rate Published in RUP: 19.07.2021; Views: 1978; Downloads: 24 Link to full text |
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3. Bifurkacije ravnovesnih stanj vektorskih polj in uporaba v sistemih plenilec-plen : zaključna nalogaRade Nježić, 2018, undergraduate thesis Keywords: dynamical system, differential equation, equilibrium, local stability, bifurcation, eigenvalue, mathematical model, predator, prey Published in RUP: 17.09.2018; Views: 2339; Downloads: 31 Link to full text |
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5. Seasonal fluctuations in population dynamics of Aurelia aurita polyps in situ with a modelling perspectiveSara Hočevar, Alenka Malej, Barbara Boldin, Jennifer E. Purcell, 2018, original scientific article Keywords: jellyfish bloom, polyp density, asexual reproduction, Scyphozoa, population model, carrying capacity, growth rate, Northern Adriatic Published in RUP: 02.02.2018; Views: 3224; Downloads: 176 Link to full text |
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8. Evolutionary suicide of pathogensBarbara Boldin, Éva Kisdi, 2017, published scientific conference contribution abstract Keywords: adaptivna dinamika, matematični model, nalezljiva bolezen, virulenca, adaptive dynamics, mathematical model, infectious disease, virulence Published in RUP: 15.11.2017; Views: 4105; Downloads: 20 Link to full text |
9. Evolution of mate - finding Allee effect in preyVeronika Bernhauerová, Luděk Berec, Barbara Boldin, 2017, published scientific conference contribution abstract Keywords: adaptivna dinamika, Alleejev učinek, plenilec, plen, matematični model, adaptive dynamics, Allee effect, predator, prey, mathematical model Published in RUP: 15.11.2017; Views: 3025; Downloads: 147 Link to full text |
10. Osnovni matematični modeli dinamike nalezljivih bolezni : magistrsko deloMarina Popović, 2016, master's thesis Keywords: mathematical modeling, epidemiology, susceptible individuals, exposed individuals, infectious individuals, recovered individuals, basic reproduction ration, systems of differential equations, steady state, stability, Ljapunov function Published in RUP: 09.11.2017; Views: 4372; Downloads: 89 Link to full text This document has more files! More... |