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2. Analyzing sustainable competitive advantage : strategically managing resource allocations to achieve operational competitivenessNurul Aida Abdul Malek, Khuram Shahzad, Josu Takala, Štefan Bojnec, Drago Papler, Yang Liu, 2015, original scientific article Abstract: In today%s dynamic business environment, a key challenge for all companies is to make adaptive adjustments to their manufacturing strategy. This study demonstrates the competitive priorities of manufacturing strategy in hydro-power case company to evaluate the level of sustainable competitive advantage and also to further analyze how business strategies are aligned with manufacturing strategies. This research is based on new holistic analytical evaluation of manufacturing strategy index, sense and respond, and sustainable competitive advantage models. These models help to describe, evaluate, and optimize resource allocation to meet the performance requirements in dynamic decision making. Furthermore, these models evaluate operational competitiveness for manufacturing strategies according to the multi-criteria priority. The results show that the adjustments of competitive priorities in manufacturing strategies by implementing the proposed holistic analytical models are helpful in strategically managing business operations. The discussion derives the most critical attributes in business operations while alignment of resource allocation with competitive priorities help to strategically focus those attributes. In conclusion, we argue that resource allocation and manufacturing strategies have become the most important capabilities in a business environment where companies focus to get a sustainable competitive advantage. Keywords: trajnostna konkurenčna prednost, trajnostno poslovanje, konkurenčne prioritete, občutek in odziv, indeks strategije izdelave in poslovanja, strategija prilagajanja, sustainable competitive advantage, sustainable operations, competitive priorities, sense and respond, manufacturing strategy index, adaptive strategy Published in RUP: 08.08.2016; Views: 4445; Downloads: 275 Link to full text |
3. Drivers of electricity prices in industry and households in Slovenia, Croatia, Austria and ItalyŠtefan Bojnec, Drago Papler, 2016, published scientific conference contribution abstract Keywords: electricity, energy prices, taxes, statistical analysis, regression analysis, Slovenia, Croatia, Austria, Italy Published in RUP: 08.08.2016; Views: 2970; Downloads: 85 Link to full text |
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5. Drivers of electricity pricesŠtefan Bojnec, Drago Papler, 2015, published scientific conference contribution abstract Keywords: električna energija, industrija, gospodinjstva, cene, Slovenija, electricity prices, industry, households, Slovenia Published in RUP: 13.10.2015; Views: 2991; Downloads: 77 Link to full text |
6. Ozaveščanje in promocija trajnostnega razvoja energetike in uporabe obnovljivih virov energijeDrago Papler, Štefan Bojnec, 2010, original scientific article Abstract: Proučujemo, koliko ozaveščenje, promocija in izobraevanje prispevajo k poznavanju trajnostnega razvoja energetike in uporabi obnovljivih virov energije ter podnebno-energetskega paketa Evropske unije. V anketno raziskavo so bile vključene ciljne skupine s področja druboslovja, naravoslovja, elektroenergetike in energetskega menedmenta, zlasti pa nas zanima mnenje študentov druboslovja. Anketni podatki so bili analizirani z opisnimi statistikami z izračunom srednjih vrednosti, korelacijsko analizo in multivariatno faktorsko analizo. Med viri energije v trajnostnem razvoju energetike in uporabi obnovljivih virov energije s politikami podpor so bili ugotovljeni trije skupni faktorji: ozaveščanje, izobraevalne dejavnosti, promocija in podpora za energetske vire; zaveze za učinkovitejšo energetsko politiko in izrabo virov energije; naravni potenciali obnovljivih virov energije. To so dejavniki, ki bi jim veljalo nameniti večjo pozornost pri načrtovanju razvoja slovenskega elektrogospodarstva v sklopu podnebno-energetske politike Evropske unije do leta 2020. Keywords: trajnstni razvoj, energetika, viri energije, obnovljivi viri energiije, promocija, ozaveščanje Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 4290; Downloads: 65 Link to full text |
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10. Efficient energy use and renewable sources of energy in SloveniaŠtefan Bojnec, Drago Papler, 2011, original scientific article Abstract: This paper presents unique survey results with opinions on the competitive supply and efficient energy use, sources of energy and renewable sources of energy. The multivariate factor analysis with three common factors confirms the significance of the price competitive supply of energy, energy costs for the economy, and the sustainable energy supply development and ecological perception in the energy use. Among renewable sources of energy, significance is given to the solar, hydro, biogas, and biomass energy, where the energy useand the renewable energy production in agriculture can play a greater role. Education and promotion activities are expressed as important for strengthening the knowledge, awareness, and social responsibility of the sustainable energy development and the use of renewable sources of energy. Keywords: energy, efficiency, renewable sources, operation management, sustainability, social responsibility Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 4605; Downloads: 155 Link to full text |