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Mission, objectives and activities of the Slovene university career centres
Aleksander Zadel, Iris Skrt, Gregor Cerinšek, Manca Poglajen, 2009, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: Three main Slovene Universities (University of Ljubljana, University of Primorska and University of Maribor) have established and developed a joint consortium of University career centres. The unified system of university career centres enables the effective transfer of information, the exchange of knowledge, competences and best practices. The article presents briefly the consortium which was established by the three universities in the field of lifelong career guidance. It describes the proposal of consortium for a joint concept of university career centres and, in more detail, one of the tools the centres plan.
Keywords: tertiary education, competences, career centres, lifelong (career) guidance
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 4243; Downloads: 72
URL Link to full text

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