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Sinergijski učinki športnega ribolova in turizma : primer: občina Kočevje
Tim Kolšek, 2023, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: športni ribolov, destinacija, trajnostni turizem, društva, intervju
Published in RUP: 06.11.2023; Views: 1314; Downloads: 31
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Changing values through generations : the case of mountain tourists
Tomi Špindler, Miha Lesjak, Mitja Gorenak, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Mountain tourism is becoming an increasingly important part of tourism in the Alpine countries, so research among mountain tourists is necessary. The changing values of different generations of tourists play a major role in their behaviour in a high-altitude environment and consequently affect the condition of these areas. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the values of different generations of mountain tourists, different genders of tourists and among members and non-members of mountaineering associations. To achieve this purpose, a quantitative approach was used. The data was collected through a self-completion questionnaire in physical form at locations of 1st category mountain huts in Slovenian mountains during the 2020 summer mountaineering season. As part of the research, the sample was divided into four groups according to the year of birth of participants. With multivariate analysis, the existence of significant differences between groups of respondents of different ages, gender and membership, according to their values, was determined. The results of the research demonstrate the correlation between prevailing mountaineering values of mountain tourists and their characteristics. The research helps us to understand the mountaineering values of tourists who visit the mountains and fills the knowledge gap in the field of the differences between the values of different generations of mountain tourists, different genders and among membership in mountaineering associations. As outdoor activities are also gaining in popularity during the Covid-19 pandemic, the results of this research can be useful for attracting new members to mountaineering organizations, preserving mountaineering culture and sustainable development of tourism in the mountains.
Keywords: mountain tourism, values, generations
Published in RUP: 03.11.2023; Views: 803; Downloads: 7
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Conceptualising tourist idleness and creating places of otium in nature-based tourism
Jelena Farkić, Gorana Isailović, Miha Lesjak, 2022, original scientific article

Published in RUP: 03.11.2023; Views: 713; Downloads: 6
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Editorial to the Special Issue ʹHealth, Sport and Tourism: Searching for Future Synergiesʹ
Andreja Trdina, Miha Lesjak, 2022, preface, editorial, afterword

Published in RUP: 03.11.2023; Views: 653; Downloads: 8
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Generacijski vidik motivov turistov v gorah : doktorska disertacija
Tomi Špindler, 2023, doctoral dissertation

Keywords: motivacija, generacije, vrednote, življenjski slog, športni turizem, turizem v gorah
Published in RUP: 12.04.2023; Views: 2202; Downloads: 132
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Promocija slovenskega turizma na nacionalni televiziji RTV Slovenija : primer: oddaja Na lepše
Vesna Perona, 2023, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: turizem, promocija, strategija, mediji, televizija
Published in RUP: 01.03.2023; Views: 2038; Downloads: 45
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Raziskovanje motivov obiska udeležencev soteskanja v Sloveniji : zaključni projekt
Andrea Gomirac, 2023, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: soteskanje, motivacija, destinacija
Published in RUP: 20.02.2023; Views: 1775; Downloads: 43
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