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3. Determinants of profitability of food industry in IndiaRamachandran Azhagaiah, Raju Deepa, 2012, original scientific article Abstract: Profitability is the profit earning capacity, which is a crucial factor in contributing to the survival of firms. This paper is a maiden attempt at estimating the impact of size on profitability, considering the Žsizeʼ as the control variable. For this purpose, the selected firms are classified into three size categories as Žsmall,ʼ Žmedium,ʼ and Žlargeʼ based on the sales turnover. The results show that volatility and growth are the major predictorsin determining profitability in case of small size firms while growth is important in determining the profitability of medium size firms. Capital intensity has a significant positive coefficient with the profitability of large size firms. The overall result shows that the larger the size of the firm, the more the investment in long lived assets has helped to increase the profitability of the firm unlike the trend in cases of small size and medium size firms. Keywords: dobički, rast, nihanja, kapitalska intenzivnost, donosnost nalob, Indija Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 4105; Downloads: 119
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4. Corporate leverage and financial decision in the Indian textile industryRamachandran Azhagaiah, Selvaraj Sathia, 2012, original scientific article Abstract: In the presence of market imperfections, leverage has the potential to have an important influence on investment decisions. If a firm makes money on its borrowing (has favorable financial leverage), the shareholders realize higher earnings per share (eps) than would be the case in the absence of debt, as the debt-equity ratio (der) is a long term risk measure. In the present study 25 textile firms, which are listed in Bombay Stock Exchange are taken as a sample for the study period from 2004 to 2008. The study reveals that the firms i. e. acm, afl, asl, basml, bcil, gsm, gdpm and gjml show significant growth rate in financial, operating and combined leverage. Keywords: kapitalska striktura, finančni vzvodi, poslovni vzvoodi, podjetja, finančne odločitve, kazalnik finančnega vzvoda, tekstilna industrija, Indija Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 2556; Downloads: 68
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