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Aplikacija metodologije časovnih serij na primeru turističnih cen
Sergej Gričar, Štefan Bojnec, 2016, scientific monograph

Keywords: ekonometrija
Published in RUP: 06.11.2021; Views: 1121; Downloads: 31
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Sandwich management
Sergej Gričar, Barbara Rodica, Štefan Bojnec, 2016, scientific monograph

Published in RUP: 06.11.2021; Views: 1166; Downloads: 32
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Supplementary material for paper The missing link between wages and labour productivity in tourism : evidence from Croatia and Slovenia
Sergej Gričar, Violeta Sugar, Štefan Bojnec, 2020, complete scientific database of research data

Abstract: The present article aims to analyse wage-labour productivity cau-salities in Croatia and Slovenia using cointegration methods basedon monthly time series data of variables for labour productivityand real gross wages in tourism industry during the periodDecember 1999%January 2020. The data vector is integrated bychain indices with the constant base January 2000%100. A sto-chastic trend and shocks are covered in the analysis. Shocks arelinked to the European Union accession, and economic crisis fol-lowing with overwhelmed tourist arrivals. The contribution of theresearch is two-fold. First, the equations for at most normal dis-tributed variables of labour productivity and real wages in tourismare exposed. Three spatial cointegration relations confirm labourproductivity integrity of the regional tourism market. Second,pair-wise causalities indicate one cointegrated vector for labourproductivity, which drives real gross wages in tourism sub-indus-tries. These results suggest that for a higher non-seasonal assess-ment of real gross wage, the labour productivity should rise, i.e.less workers, more robotization or more tourist arrivals with betterquality solutions. These findings are at most important to beimplemented after the COVID-19 infection crisis with expectedrestructurings and digital transformation in the tourism industry.
Keywords: Croatia, error correction model (ECM), real grosswage, labour productivity, Slovenia, vector error correction model (VECM)
Published in RUP: 14.12.2020; Views: 1828; Downloads: 214
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The missing link between wages and labour productivity in tourism : evidence from Croatia and Slovenia
Sergej Gričar, Violeta Sugar, Štefan Bojnec, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: The present article aims to analyse wage-labour productivity cau-salities in Croatia and Slovenia using cointegration methods basedon monthly time series data of variables for labour productivityand real gross wages in tourism industry during the periodDecember 1999%January 2020. The data vector is integrated bychain indices with the constant base January 2000%100. A sto-chastic trend and shocks are covered in the analysis. Shocks arelinked to the European Union accession, and economic crisis fol-lowing with overwhelmed tourist arrivals. The contribution of theresearch is two-fold. First, the equations for at most normal dis-tributed variables of labour productivity and real wages in tourismare exposed. Three spatial cointegration relations confirm labourproductivity integrity of the regional tourism market. Second,pair-wise causalities indicate one cointegrated vector for labourproductivity, which drives real gross wages in tourism sub-indus-tries. These results suggest that for a higher non-seasonal assess-ment of real gross wage, the labour productivity should rise, i.e.less workers, more robotization or more tourist arrivals with betterquality solutions. These findings are at most important to beimplemented after the COVID-19 infection crisis with expectedrestructurings and digital transformation in the tourism industry.
Keywords: Croatia, error correction model (ECM), real grosswage, labour productivity, Slovenia, vector error correction model (VECM)
Published in RUP: 10.12.2020; Views: 1984; Downloads: 40
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Comparative analysis of tourism-led growth in Slovenia and Montenegro
Sergej Gričar, Štefan Bojnec, Vesna Karadžić, Svetlana Rakočević, 2016, original scientific article

Keywords: Slovenia, Montenegro, causality, tourism, economic growth
Published in RUP: 02.04.2017; Views: 3109; Downloads: 85
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Innovation companies led GDP growth Slovenia and Croatia : Granger causality approach
Violeta Sugar, Štefan Bojnec, Sergej Gričar, 2016, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: dynamics of entrepreneurship, subsidies, small entrepreneurship
Published in RUP: 08.08.2016; Views: 3119; Downloads: 84
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Dejavniki gibanja cen v gostinstvu
Sergej Gričar, Štefan Bojnec, 2009

Published in RUP: 21.12.2015; Views: 2899; Downloads: 90
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Vpliv dejavnikov poniudbe in povpraševanja na cene v gostinstvu
Sergej Gričar, Štefan Bojnec, 2010, original scientific article

Abstract: Z metodo glavnih komponent smo ugotovili dve skupni komponenti, s katerima je mogoče pojasniti skupne dejavnike analiziranih spremenljivk, in sicer splošna raven cen in plače v gostinstvu ter uvedba evra, stabilnost cen v evrih in povpraševanje po gostinskih storitvah. z multiplo regresijsko analizo je bilo ugotovljeno, da so cene gostinskih storitev kratkoročno pozitivno in statistično značilno povezane z uvedbo evra, povpraševanjem po gostinskih storitvah in rastjo cen hrane in brezalkoholnih pijač kot vmesnimi stroški vlokov (inputov). Uporabljeni so mesečni podatki Statističnega urada Republike Slovenije od leta 2000 do leta 2007.
Keywords: hrana, cene, gostinstvo, evro, stroški dela, inflacija, Slovenija
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 3121; Downloads: 29
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Determinants of agro-food price changes in Slovenia
Sergej Gričar, Štefan Bojnec, 2012, original scientific article

Keywords: živilska veriga, hrana, cene, recesija, evro, Slovenija
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 3642; Downloads: 138
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Wages in hospitality industry and hospitality industry entrepreneurship development
Sergej Gričar, Štefan Bojnec, 2011, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: tourism, hospitality industry, services, Slovenia
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 3389; Downloads: 86
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