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2. Preoblikovanje glavne ceste v Portorožu v območje brez avtomobilov : praktični predlogi in izziviMatteo Duniš, 2024, undergraduate thesis Keywords: območje brez avtomobilov, trajnostna mobilnost, urbanistično načrtovanje, Portorož, kakovost okolja, javno zdravje, sodelovanje deležnikov, geografija, zaključna dela Published in RUP: 20.12.2024; Views: 503; Downloads: 7 Full text (2,62 MB) |
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4. Razvoj turizma v Portorožu po drugi svetovni vojni, s poudarkom na Turističnem združenju Portorož in njegovih predhodnikih : zaključno deloNik Švara, 2023, undergraduate thesis Keywords: Portorož, turizem, Turistično združenje Portorož, OKTPS, Protour, zgodovina, zaključna dela Published in RUP: 24.10.2023; Views: 1313; Downloads: 24 Full text (755,13 KB) |
5. Upravna struktura in turističen razvoj Škocjanskih jam med letoma 1945 in 1997 : magistrsko deloUrška Ivančič Petelin, 2022, master's thesis Keywords: Škocjanske jame, upravljanje, upravljavec, turizem, 1945-1997, Kraške jame Slovenije, Turistični zavod Škocjanske jame, ObLO Divača, zavod Postojnska jama, Kras Sežana, TOZD Gostinstvo Sežana, HTG Sežana, TOP Portorož, UNESCO in Javni zavod Park Škocjanske jame, Slovenija, zgodovina, magistrske naloge Published in RUP: 07.07.2022; Views: 2390; Downloads: 40 Full text (1,21 MB) |
6. Hotel employees and corporate social responsibility : the case of Portorož, SloveniaTanja Planinc, Zorana Medarić, Kristina Bogataj, 2020, other scientific articles Abstract: Corporate social responsibility has been widely researched in recent decades across different industries. This paper attempts to explore the social aspects of corporate social responsibility in the hotel industry, focusing on the awareness of csr of employees in the selected case-study of a hotel company in Portorož, Slovenia. Specifically, their awareness of csr activities oriented towards the local community was researched. A questionnaire survey was conducted among employees, investigating their awareness of the hotel company's attitude towards the local community. Results show that it is crucial for employees to be employed in a company that participates in the development of a local community. However, they often do not know how their employer carries out activities that are related to the social aspects of corporate social responsibility. Keywords: hotel industry, corporate social responsibility, employees, Portorož, Slovenia Published in RUP: 30.11.2021; Views: 1596; Downloads: 24 Full text (106,10 KB) |
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10. Analiza kongresne dejavnosti v Hotelih Morje : diplomska nalogaTeja Grandušek, 2005, undergraduate thesis Keywords: turizem, kongresni turizem, kongresi, Portorož, Hoteli Morje, gostje, zadovoljstvo, ankete, diplomske naloge Published in RUP: 07.05.2021; Views: 1722; Downloads: 34 Full text (816,79 KB) |