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Attitudes of consumers when buying products of brand X : bachelor thesis
Nina Grujović, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: consumer attitudes, trust, cultural influence, shopping behaviour, brand
Published in RUP: 18.12.2024; Views: 265; Downloads: 2
.pdf Full text (1,28 MB)

Analiza prepoznavnosti blagovne znamke Dejavnosti Zaraja : diplomska naloga
Mirjam Pikl, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: prepoznavnost, Dejavnosti Zaraja, brand, recognisability, social media
Published in RUP: 19.09.2024; Views: 413; Downloads: 4
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The aquaculture industry and opportunities for sustainable tourism
Armand Faganel, Roberto Biloslavo, Aleksander Janeš, 2016, original scientific article

Abstract: Tourism is an important industry in the growth of gdp in many countries, while aquaculture covers more than half of the demand for fish in the developed world. The demand and competition for farmed fish are increasing worldwide, as is the awareness of the importance of the further development of sustainable small busi- ness. In this view, innovation is crucial to promoting sustainable business models that can achieve a solid economic performance and at the same time take care of the natural environment. This article contributes to the literature on sustainable business models with a descriptive case study of the complementarity of a single fish farming company and tourism activities. The case study of a sustainable business model in aquaculture has been analysed with the use of a business model canvas that links various market-oriented elements of a business model with different stakeholders' needs.
Keywords: aquaculture, tourism, brand, development, business model canvas, co-natural processes
Published in RUP: 20.11.2021; Views: 1486; Downloads: 45
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