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3. Attitudes towards school, self-perceived school competence and general self-esteem during and after the 1st wave of COVID-19 epidemic in Slovenia : a case studyVesna Jug, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: case study, COVID-19 epidemic, distance schooling, elementary school, children, development, attitudes towards school, self-perceived school competence, general self-esteem Published in RUP: 24.06.2021; Views: 1488; Downloads: 16 Link to full text |
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5. Marketing tourism destinations online : strategies for the information age1999, developement research Abstract: Marketing tourism destinations online : strategies for the information age Keywords: marketing, trženje, turizem, Internet, informacijska družba, on-line, informacijski sistemi, MIS, informacijska tehnologija, WWW, World Wide Web, svet, dežele, distribucija, potovanja, prodaja, primeri, case study Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 4337; Downloads: 32 Link to full text |
6. Introduction to supply chain managementRobert B. Handfield, Ernst L. Nichols, 1999, higher education textbook Abstract: Introduction to supply chain management Keywords: logistika, oskrba, verige, nabava, ponudba, pretok blaga, management, reinženiring, materialno poslovanje, meritve, modeli, poslovni odnosi, blago, informacije, informacijski sistemi, učbeniki, case study, primeri Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 7079; Downloads: 359 Link to full text |
7. Advertising in tourism and leisureNigel Morgan, Annette Pritchard, 2000, higher education textbook Abstract: Advertising in tourism and leisure Keywords: turizem, turistična industrija, strateško planiranje, prosti čas, gostinstvo, oglaševanje, ekonomska propaganda, spremembe, dinamični modeli, kreativnost, ustvarjalnost, priložnosti, turistični proizvod, mišljenje, sodobnost, kritika, evalvacija, ocenjevanje, trg, segmentacija, pozicioniranje, strategija trženja, promocija, blagovne znamke, pospeševanje prodaje, sponzorstvo, primeri, case study, strokovno delo Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 5159; Downloads: 147 Link to full text |
8. The development and management of visitor attractionsJohn Swarbrooke, 2000, higher education textbook Abstract: #The #development and management of visitor attractions Keywords: turizem, turistični proizvod, management, vodenje, prihodnost, kultura, muzeji, narava, naravna bogastva, znamenitosti, zabava, zabavna industrija, nakup, gostinstvo, marketing, trženje, strategija, strategija trženja, kvaliteta, uporaba človeških zmogljivosti, učbeniki, primeri, case study, Velika Britanija, tourism, tourist product, management, leadership, future, culture, museums, nature, natural resources, remarkableness, sight-seeing, entertainment, entertainment industry, shopping, catering, marketing, strategy, marketing strategy, quality, human resource management, textbooks, cases, case study, Great Britain Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 5517; Downloads: 131 Link to full text |
9. Organization development and changeThomas G. Cummings, Christopher G. Worley, 2005, higher education textbook Keywords: organizacija, organizacijski razvoj, spremembe, teorija, kadri, tehnologija, proučevanje dela, uporaba človeških zmogljivosti, case study, zdravstveno varstvo, izobraževanje, javni sektor, organization, organizational development, changes, theory, personnel, technology, work study, human resource management, case study, health care, training, public sector Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 5707; Downloads: 110 Link to full text |
10. Strategic management : competitiveness and globalizationMichael A. Hitt, R. Duane Ireland, Robert E. Hoskisson, 2003, higher education textbook Keywords: management, strateški management, strateško planiranje, konkurenčnost, poslovno okolje, poslovna strategija, združitve podjetij, pripojitve podjetij, globalizacija, korporacije, vodenje, organizacijske strukture, kontrola, podjetništvo, inovacije, case study, management, strategic management, strategic planning, competitivity, business environment, business strategy, mergers, acquisitions, globalization, corporations, leadership, organizational structures, control, entrepreneurship, innovations, case study Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 10477; Downloads: 75 Link to full text |