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3. Distance deviation measure of contouring variabilityPeter Rogelj, Robert Hudej, Primož Petrič, 2013, original scientific article Abstract: Background. Several methods that are currently used for contouring analysis have problems providing reliable and/ or meaningful results. In this paper a solution to these problems is proposed in a form of a novel measure, which was developed based on requirements defined for contouring studies. Materials and methods. The proposed distance deviation measure can be understood as an extension of the closest point measures in such a way that it does not measure only distances between points on contours but rather analyse deviation of distances to both/all contours from each image point/voxel. The obtained result is information rich, reliable and provided in a form of an image, enabling detailed topographic analysis. In addition to image representation, results can be further processed into angular representation for compact topographic analysis or into overall scalar estimates for quick assessment of contour disagreement. Results. Distance deviation method is demonstrated on a multi observer contouring example with complex contour shapes, i.e., with pronounced extremes and void interior. The results are presented using the three proposed methods. Conclusions. The proposed method can detect and measure contour variation irrespective of contour complexity and number of contour segments, while the obtained results are easy to interpret. It can be used in various situations, regarding the presence of reference contour or multiple test contours. Keywords: contouring, contour comparison, distance transform Published in RUP: 21.12.2015; Views: 3409; Downloads: 130
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6. Totalitarian structures and social practice : deviance in Yugoslavia between 1941 and 1951Sabine Rutar, 2007, original scientific article Abstract: The article focusses on methodological tools for investigating social practice in totalitarian societies. It referes to the work of Hannah Arendt, Pierre Bourdieu, Imanuel Geiss, Reinhart Koselleck, Alf Lüdtke, and others. Its reflections are mostly illustrated by examples taken from the author's research on work relationships in Yugoslav mining industries during and after the Second World War. The concept of deviance refers to those parts of society that were excluded by national socialist and communist "social engineering" practices Keywords: national socialism, communism, life worlds, comparison, deviance Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 2904; Downloads: 13
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