1. Kmečka posest družin aleksandrink : poskus ovrednotenja zaslužka aleksandrink za pomen razvoja individualne kmečke gospodarske enoteJure Gregorčič, 2018, master's thesis Keywords: aleksandrinke, kmečka gospodarska enota, kmečki dolgovi, neagrarni dohodki, Egipt, Prvačina, zgodovina, magistrske naloge Published in RUP: 08.10.2019; Views: 2217; Downloads: 113 Full text (997,37 KB) |
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7. Farm growth in Hungary, Slovenia and FranceLajos Zoltán Bakucs, Štefan Bojnec, Imre Fertő, Laure Latruffe, 2010, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: The article investigates the validity of Gibrat's Law for French, Hungarian and Slovenian farms with FADN data and Heckman selection models, quantiles regressions and panel unit root tests. The contribution to the literature is three fold. First, we compare farm growth in countries with rather different farm structures. Second, we apply two different testing techniques. Finally, we focus on specialised crop and dairy farms rather than all farms, avoiding biases due to heterogeneous structures across the agricultural sector. Results reject the Gibrat's Law for crop farms in France (except for one sub-period) and Hungary but confirm it for French and Slovenian dairy farms. Keywords: nekmetijski dohodki, investicije Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 7436; Downloads: 102 Link to full text |
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