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Human resources in a draught : how managers construed the role and meaning of human resource management during the 2008 economic crisis in Slovenia
Ana Arzenšek, Kristijan Musek Lešnik, 2016, original scientific article

Abstract: An empirical study of interpretive schemas regarding human resource management (HRM) and its social responsibility of selected manufacturers in the automotive industry and of financial institutions is presented. We were interested in how participants interpreted the role of the HRM department during the economic crisis of 2008. It was assumed that HRM is subjected to increased accommodation processes during economic turbulence. Interpretive schemas regarding HRM of three selected manufacturers in the automotive industry and of three financial institutions from Slovenia were studied. Over a three-year period, 31 interviews with their management, HRM, and union representatives were conducted. In addition, content analysis of annual reports was made. The results have shown that the current crisis has not yet been a factor of diminished roles and meaning of HRM. While the manufacturing companies are considerably homogeneous in their scope of adjustments to the crisis, the financial companies considerably differ from each other regarding their scope of activities and are going through schema change. Factors, discovered in this study, add to the knowledge framework of successful HRM change and explain levels of social responsibility towards employees working in the companies.
Keywords: interpretive schemas, human resource management, social responsibility, economic crisis, organisational change, Piaget's model of equilibration, Slovenia
Published in RUP: 07.08.2016; Views: 3866; Downloads: 170
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Perceived factors and obstacles to cognitive schema change during economic crisis
Ana Arzenšek, 2011, original scientific article

Keywords: cognitive schema, change, factors, obstacles, economic crisis
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 3069; Downloads: 147
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Response to economic crises in a socio-cultural context of the EU countries
Aprila Cotič, 2012, master's thesis

Keywords: economic crisis, business efficiency, Denmark, Slovenia, national culture
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 3398; Downloads: 145
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A comparative study of cognitive schemas of HRM during economic crisis in two Slovenian sectors
Ana Arzenšek, 2012, original scientific article

Abstract: The main objective of this article is to present a qualitative study of HRM schemas in the recent economic crisis in Slovenia. Cognitive schemas influence perception and behaviour and serve as powerful sense-making frameworks. In-depth interviews with 16 CEOs, HR executives and trade unionists from the production and service sectors and analyses of annual reports were conducted to find the content of their HRM schemas. In addition, a comparison between schemas from companies from both sectors was made. Results reveal that HRM schemas in companies from the financial sector include more 'HRM is bureaucratic' attributes whereas in companies from the automotive sector 'HRM is strategic' attributes prevail. In companies' annual reports, the socially responsible role of HRM toward employees is only moderately present. While the crisis in 1990s was an influential factor for the sense-making and Žflexibility is crucialʼ attribution in companies in the automotive sector, the current HRM schema in selected companies from the financial sector was influenced by the occurrence of conjuncture.
Keywords: social kognition, cognitive shema, HRM, economic crisis
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 3594; Downloads: 57
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Defending social rights in economic crisis
Andraž Teršek, 2009, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: Expropriation is nowadays considered as an admissible interference with ownership right if the main legal requirements have been satisfied. There is no doubt that expropriation is an interference with the ownership right of the worst kind. In the daily use it is seen as an action that can be aimed at the citizen of the country which imposes expropriation, or at foreigners or foreign investors.
Keywords: economic crisis, welfare state, constitutionalism, doctrine of the positive obligations of the state, social and economic human rights
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 3551; Downloads: 27
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