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Vpliv kulture na imidž Slovenije v očeh Američanov : zaključni projekt
Mateja Steinbach, 2018, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: turizem, kultura, imidž, turistična destinacija, Američani, Slovenci
Published in RUP: 05.03.2021; Views: 1483; Downloads: 58
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Sponzoriranje kot strateška odločitev podjetja
Bernard Osvald, 2006, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: sponzorstvo, donatorstvo, zavedanje, imidž, sponzorska pogodba, učinkovitost sponzorstva, tržno komuniciranje, diplomska dela
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 4086; Downloads: 101
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Pozicioniranje blagovne znamke Mister Nut
Nataša Markelj, 2005, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: panoga, analiza, oreški, blagovna znamka, vrednost blagovne znamke, image, imidž, pozicioniranje, diplomska dela
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 7411; Downloads: 153
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Strategija uvajanja nove avtomobilske znamke
Peter Škrlj, 2006, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: trženje, blagovne znamke, imidž, novi proizvodi, strategija trženja, tržne raziskave, analiza, potrošniki, lojalnost, zadovoljstvo potrošnikov
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 4188; Downloads: 125
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Foreign tour operators and travel agents knowledge of a potential tourism destination
Ivo Mulec, Nicholas Wise, 2012, original scientific article

Abstract: Vojvodina is an autonomous region of Serbia, and has the potential to become a successful tourism destination. Twenty years of changes have elapsed since the disintegration of Yugoslavia, and destination planners in Vojvodina are now looking to accommodate visitors and generate service related jobs. The method for collecting data was through survey responses from those in the travel industry. The objective for conducting this research is to analyze the knowledge and awareness of the developing destination of Vojvodina. From here, it is possible to get a sense of the regionʼs awareness, and role tour operators and travel agents act as opinion makers in promoting destinations to their clientele. Results suggest that Vojvodina is not known as a tourism destination among foreign travel experts; furthermore, this would suggest that their clientele base is not informed of this region of Serbia as a tourism destination. Although not known, this is better than having a negative image. With a non-image, tour operators and travel agents then have the ability to creatively market and promote an image that will generate further awareness of the Vojvodina region as an emerging tourism destination.
Keywords: turizem, destinacije, prepoznavnost, imidž, Vojvodina
Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 3220; Downloads: 94
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