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2. Structural transformation to attain responsible BIOSciences (STARBIOS2) : protocol for a Horizon 2020 funded European multicenter project to promote responsible research and innovationVittorio Colizzi, Daniele Mezzana, Pavel V. Ovseiko, Giovanni Caiati, Claudia Colonnello, Andrea Declich, Alastair M. Buchan, Laurel Edmunds, Elena Bužan, Luiz F. Zerbini, 2019, original scientific article Keywords: responsible research and innovations, bioscience, structural change Published in RUP: 13.02.2019; Views: 2424; Downloads: 99 Link to full text |
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5. Strategic management : competitiveness and globalizationMichael A. Hitt, R. Duane Ireland, Robert E. Hoskisson, 2003, higher education textbook Keywords: management, strateški management, strateško planiranje, konkurenčnost, poslovno okolje, poslovna strategija, združitve podjetij, pripojitve podjetij, globalizacija, korporacije, vodenje, organizacijske strukture, kontrola, podjetništvo, inovacije, case study, management, strategic management, strategic planning, competitivity, business environment, business strategy, mergers, acquisitions, globalization, corporations, leadership, organizational structures, control, entrepreneurship, innovations, case study Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 10344; Downloads: 75 Link to full text |
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