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Sprejemanje dojenja v javnosti: stališča slovenskih žensk : diplomska naloga
Kristina Pepelko, 2015, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: dojenje, javnost, sprejemanje, otrok, ženske
Published in RUP: 18.03.2019; Views: 2319; Downloads: 98
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O zgodovinskih sporih in preobratih v teorijah javnega mnenja
Slavko Splichal, 2007, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper discusses the conceptual heterogeneity in the field of 'public opinion' in the light of a distinction between positions that reflect public opinion as a democratic-emancipatory category and positions that consider public opinion from an 'anthropological' perspective - as an semi-institutional resource of social control. The paper discusses the main characteristics and implications of these two different perspectives in conceptualizing public opinion, primarily the questions of the differences between publicly expressed opinions and public opinion, subject/ivity of public opinion (public opinions vs. opinion of the public), and the controversial relation of public opinion to democracy and surveillance. The argument is made that in the two centuries following Bentham's and Kant's codification of the principle of publicity, none of the fundamental controversies has been resolved. Although the belief that the establishment of a public opinion polling industry homogenized and stablized the definition of public opinion is widely accepted by pollsters, the facts rather prove the contrary: despite the enormous quantities of money and attention devoted to public opinion polling, there are few theoretical perspectives to guide research on the role of public opinion in the political process, which is primarily a consequence of the fact that consistent and operationally valid definitions of the concept 'public opinion' are still missing. There are no signs of 'reconciliation' between normative-theoretical and empirical-statistical perspectives; on the contrary, it seems that Wilson was right when 45 years ago he stated that the differences between those who 'believe in scientific study alone' and those who see in the study of public opinion a possibility of advancement of rational and humane goals can hardly disappear
Keywords: javno mnenje, javnost, publiciteta, demokracija, nadzorovanje, mnenjske poizvedbe
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 2714; Downloads: 34
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Regionalni tisk in nadzor oblasti : funkcija 'psa čuvaja' med regijo in državo
Peter Sekloča, 2009, original scientific article

Abstract: Regional press is, because it is stretched between regional public actors, regionally limited segment of audience and social subsystems - from economic sector that orders advertisements, regional political parties to the local public services, financially sensitive. That is why the criticism of the central government and the actions of institutions on the national or even the global level is a reasonable choice at the combination of the press' "watchdog" function and its function to assure high revenues on the invested capital. With the intention to preserve the "imagined" community of the region the criticism of the press is directed towards external actors, which due to its power are able to overlook the region's interets. This can have an ambiguous effect: the audience approves the critical stance of the press, however, the criticism can many times have no efficiency, which disregards the interests of the regional public. The financial impact is good for the press, but the transformation of the public's interest on the national level is unsuccessful. In the article collide two ideas - from the liberal political theory and the materialistic political economy - which see the relationship between the press and the government differently, however, in reality these two functions - ("watchdog" function and economic function) are combined in spite of tensions between them. Mentioned combination is showed by the research of the editorials of the two regional newspapers Primorske novice and Gorenjski glas in two periods (year 2002 and 2005-06). The central question is how much the regional press is autonomous in exerting the control of the government (the function that stems from the liberal theory) and how much the press is influenced by the market imperatives that guide the interest of the owners of the press, among which in some cases (Primorske novice) also the state belongs in. Theoretical findings are through the analysis of the editorials, performed with the quantative content analysis, applied to regional newspapers and to its relationship to the Slovenian government - to the two politically distinctly oriented central governments
Keywords: regionalni tisk, državni nadzor, javnost, novinarstvo
Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 3601; Downloads: 28
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