Keywords: multimedia learning, auditory emotional design, instructor’s voice, emotional tone, background music, same-language subtitles, learning in a foreign language, wood as a building materialPublished in RUP: 14.10.2024; Views: 375; Downloads: 24 Full text (4,53 MB)
Keywords: tangible, TUI, AR, multimedia, 3D, photogrammetryPublished in RUP: 13.09.2023; Views: 1479; Downloads: 20 Full text (12,78 MB)
Keywords: online learning resources, digital divide, accessibility, special educational needs, social cognitive theory, cognitive theory of multimedia learning, dyslexiaPublished in RUP: 24.05.2019; Views: 2435; Downloads: 154 Full text (6,41 MB)
Keywords: poučevanje, učne metode, učni proces, didaktika, mišljenje, študij, izobraževalni sistemi, aplikacija, ustvarjalnost, kreativnost, spremembe, razvoj, interakcije, podjetništvo, management, posvetovanja, zborniki, metode, primeri, case study, tehnika, zaznavanje, mednarodne organizacije, mednarodna kooperacija, teamsko delo, multimedia, inovativno poslovanje, multidisciplinarni vidik, Internet, informacijska tehnologija, izobraževanje, simulacija, simulacijski modeliPublished in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 3986; Downloads: 60 Link to full text
Keywords: tehnika, multimedia, tehnični poukPublished in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 4124; Downloads: 41 Link to full text