1. Model evalvacije deinstitucionalizacije : doktorska disertacijaMatej Vukovič, 2022, doctoral dissertation Keywords: deinstitucionalizacija, otrokove pravice, strokovni center, otroci in mladostniki, ustrezne oblike pomoči, življenjski svet uporabnika, fleksibilnost, evalvacija Published in RUP: 17.11.2022; Views: 2370; Downloads: 255
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2. Odnos ravnateljev in strokovnih delavcev vrtcev in predstavnikov lokalnih skupnosti do izvajanja predšolskih programov za ogrožene otroke : doktorska disertacijaJerneja Jager, 2015, doctoral dissertation Keywords: ogroženi otroci, otrokove pravice, enake možnosti, predšolski programi, vrtec, vzgojitelji, lokalna skupnost, kakovost Published in RUP: 23.07.2020; Views: 2729; Downloads: 94
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4. National report : SloveniaMateja Sedmak, Tjaša Žakelj, Blaž Lenarčič, Zorana Medarić, 2015, final research report Keywords: migrations, unaccompanied minor migrants, best interest of a child, rights of a child, national legislation, Slovenia, migracije, mladoletni migranti brez spremstva, otrokove pravice, nacionalna zakonodaja, Slovenija Published in RUP: 08.08.2016; Views: 3947; Downloads: 92
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5. Comparative report on fieldwork with experts and unaccompanied minors : an overview of the reception, protection and asylum procedures for unaccompanied minors in Austria, France, Slovenia and the United Kingdom with the focus on the concept of the best interest of the child and the formal processes of the best interest determinationMateja Sedmak, Tjaša Žakelj, Zorana Medarić, Blaž Lenarčič, 2015, final research report Keywords: migrations, unaccompanied minor migrants, best interest of a child, rights of a child, fieldwork, Europe, migracije, mladoletni migranti brez spremstva, otrokove pravice, terenske raziskave, Evropa Published in RUP: 08.08.2016; Views: 3764; Downloads: 144
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6. Comparative analysis of the national reports on the state of the artMateja Sedmak, Tjaša Žakelj, Blaž Lenarčič, Zorana Medarić, Ana Kralj, 2015, final research report Keywords: migrations, unaccompanied minor migrants, best interest of a child, rights of a child, national legislation, Europe, migracije, mladoletni migranti brez spremstva, otrokove pravice, nacionalne zakonodaje, Evropa Published in RUP: 08.08.2016; Views: 3581; Downloads: 91
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