1. Goti : faktor stabilnosti ali faktor propada Rimskega imperijaIvan Križič, 2023, master's thesis Keywords: Goti, Germani, barbari, Konstantin I, rimsko cesarstvo, pozna antika, 4. in 5. stoletje, federati, zgodovina, magistrske naloge Published in RUP: 21.11.2023; Views: 1978; Downloads: 26
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4. Goti med Jadranom in Panonijo : doktorska disertacijaGojko Tica, 2017, doctoral dissertation Keywords: Goti, pozna antika, Zahodni Ilirik, Alarik, Teoderik Veliki, vzhodni Germani, zahodni Germani, staroselci, Carigrad, Ravena, arheologija, arheološke najdbe, doktorske disertacije Published in RUP: 15.06.2020; Views: 2490; Downloads: 150
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7. Grobišče Kalaužnik in gradišče Mati božja pri Črnotičah v istrski Sloveniji (po L.K.Moserju)Matej Župančič, 2006, review article Abstract: Grobišče Kalaužnik in gradišče Mati božja pri Črnotičah v istrski Sloveniji (po L. K. Moserju) Keywords: Črnotiče, Istra, arheologija, ajdi, grobovi, gradišča, prazgodovina, pozna antika, pozni srednji vek Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 4223; Downloads: 40
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8. The traces of the battle of the Frigid river in Veraldar saga, Ambrósius saga biskups and its potential echoes in Kirialax sagaAlenka Divjak, 2010, original scientific article Abstract: This article analyzes and discusses the traces which the Battle of the Frigid River and its protagonists left in two Old Icelandic texts: Veraldar saga from the early thirteenth century, and Ambrósius saga biskups from approximately the same period. The Viking Eugenius in the Icelandic romance Kirialax saga, most likely to have been written in the fourteenth century, might have been modelled on the same historical figure as the one referred to in Veraldar saga and Ambrósius saga. In Veraldar saga, the Emperor Theodosius I is described as being the most important figure of his age, a representative of imperial power and a staunch supporter of Christian orthodoxy, while Eugenius is assigned the minor role of usurper. In Ambrósius saga, the battle is described in detail, with the emphasis on hagiographical elements which evolved around the event during the Late Antiquity. In Kirialax saga, the Viking Eugenius, who might have been borrowed from Veraldar saga, is depicted - together with Attila and Theodoric the Ostrogoth - as one of the efficient and intimidating war leaders who were invading Italy during the Late Antiquity, which, by implication, increases the value of Kirialax's victory over such an enemy Keywords: pisni viri, pozna antika, Fluvius Frigidus, bitke, hagiografija, historiografija, sage, srednjeveški viri Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 3128; Downloads: 19
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