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* old and bologna study programme


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Zaznavanje medvrstniškega nasilja s strani srednješolcev : diplomsko delo
Nika Bartulac, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: medvrstniško nasilje, posledice, nasilje, preventiva, srednja šola, srednješolci
Published in RUP: 19.09.2024; Views: 289; Downloads: 11
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Vadba kot preventiva za bolečino v spodnjem delu hrbta : diplomska naloga
Maša Naraločnik, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: vadba, preventiva, bolečina v spodnjem delu hrbta
Published in RUP: 19.08.2024; Views: 325; Downloads: 37
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Intuition, Imagination and Innovation in Suicidology Conference : 13th Triple i
2022, other monographs and other completed works

Keywords: samomori, preventiva, COVID-19, pandemije, dejavniki tveganja, mladi, raziskave, etika, zborniki, elektronske knjige
Published in RUP: 03.11.2023; Views: 779; Downloads: 6
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Intuition, imagination and innovation in suicidology conference : 12th Triple i
2021, other monographs and other completed works

Abstract: The Triple i 2021 programme covers topics such as suicide during the epidemic, suicide prevention in adolescents, exposure to trauma and suicide, the relationship between media and suicidal behaviour, etc.; thus, addressing theory, research, prevention, and interventions in suicidology. Each lecture will be followed by a discussion in which participants are invited to share their views. Existing difficulties in both research and clinical work will be specifically addressed.
Keywords: samomori, COVID-19, pandemije, mladi, preventiva, duševna stiska, psihične travme, množični mediji, domovi za stare ljudi, samomorilno vedenje, zborniki, elektronske knjige
Published in RUP: 03.11.2023; Views: 769; Downloads: 4
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Intuition, imagination and innovation in suicidology conference : 11th Triple i

Abstract: The conference is an international annual event organized by the Slovene Centre for Suicide Research (Andrej Marušič Institute, University of Primorska) in collaboration with FAMNIT (University of Primorska). Our aim is to increase awareness and knowledge about suicide and thus contribute to the development of suicide prevention and postvention activities. The Triple i 2020 programme includes topics of suicide research and clinical work with suicidal patients and thus addresses theory, research, prevention and interventions in suicidology.
Keywords: preventiva, raziskave, zborniki
Published in RUP: 03.11.2023; Views: 716; Downloads: 7
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Zaznavanje nasilja v osnovni šoli z vidika strokovnih delavcev : diplomska naloga
Maša Volavšek, 2023, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: nasilje, medvrstniško nasilje, šola, strokovni delavci, preventiva, pomoč
Published in RUP: 24.10.2023; Views: 1519; Downloads: 82
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Telesna aktivnost v preventivi poseganja po alkoholu : diplomska naloga
Elizabeta Žust, 2023, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: telesna aktivnost, poseganje po alkoholu, preventiva
Published in RUP: 16.10.2023; Views: 1043; Downloads: 41
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