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2. Looking ahead : challenges and opportunities for applied psychology in prevention and promotionMargarida Gaspar de Matos, Tony Wainwright, Lieven Brebels, Barbara Craciun, Roman Gabrhelík, Britt Hjartnes Schjodt, Anne Plantade-Gipch, Vita Poštuvan, Irena Stojadinovic, Jennifer Richards, 2019, original scientific article Keywords: eng, applied psychology, behavioral economics, mental health, prevention and promotion sciences, public policies Published in RUP: 28.06.2019; Views: 2383; Downloads: 120
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4. Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for 291 diseases and injuries in 21 regions, 1990-2010 : a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010Christopher J. L. Murray, Theo Vos, Rafael Lozano, Mohsen Naghavi, Abraham D Flaxman, Catherine Michaud, Majid Ezzati, Kenji Shibuya, Joshua A. Salomon, Safa Abdalla, Diego De Leo, 2012, original scientific article Keywords: public health, risk-factors, economic cost, mortality, population, Australia, countries, death, lost, meta-analysis Published in RUP: 14.10.2015; Views: 4474; Downloads: 88
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5. Organization development and changeThomas G. Cummings, Christopher G. Worley, 2005, higher education textbook Keywords: organizacija, organizacijski razvoj, spremembe, teorija, kadri, tehnologija, proučevanje dela, uporaba človeških zmogljivosti, case study, zdravstveno varstvo, izobraževanje, javni sektor, organization, organizational development, changes, theory, personnel, technology, work study, human resource management, case study, health care, training, public sector Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 5808; Downloads: 112
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6. Zdravstvena promocija v množičnih medijihAlan Kelher, 2008, undergraduate thesis Keywords: public health, health promotion, health communication, health education, mass media, media effects, agenda setting, media representations, behavioural psychology, Marxist medical sociology Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 3843; Downloads: 29 |