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Proceedings of the 2019 6th Student Computer Science Research Conference - StuCoSReC
2019, proceedings of peer-reviewed scientific conference contributions (international and foreign conferences)

Abstract: Computer science is now among the most popular study programmes worldwide. We live in a digital age where most industries rely on data and software programmes. From transport infrastructure to public health systems, banking and communications, computer science is everywhere. Technology has made the world better, faster, and more connected. However, it is easy to miss an important component of this exciting success story. Such development was made possible thanks to the brilliant minds of IT graduates, who took their passion for technology and used it to create ground breaking gadgets and computer programmes. Here in Slovenia, the three public universities share these values and invest heavily in their computer science students. These efforts facilitate collaboration among our departments, resulting in joint events such as this StuCoSRec student conference.
Keywords: algoritmi, podatkovne strukture, podatkovne baze, informatika
Published in RUP: 07.11.2021; Views: 1470; Downloads: 29
.pdf Full text (12,98 MB)

Factors affecting effectiveness of knowledge management : a case of Bosnia and Herzegovina enterprises
Mirela Kljajić-Dervić, Roberto Biloslavo, 2015, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: A successful business is a business based on knowledge. In modern economy, successful companies appreciate knowledge and systematically support its creation, sharing and application within business processes. Very often knowledge is the most critical economic resource; it is therefore necessary to effectively direct and lead processes of creation or acquisition, transfer, use and exploitation of knowledge. These processes together form the concept of knowledge management. Through effective knowledge management, organizations can improve their performance and gain a competitive advantage. But first they need to identify critical success factors to develop knowledge managements in organizations. This paper shows and discusses results of the empirical study conducted in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Based on existing research and proposed models, the study outlines six factors (i.e. organizational culture, human capital, management, organizational structure, reward system, information technology), which we believe have a direct impact on the effectiveness of knowledge management. Research data have been collected through a survey. The research sample was composed of 317 companies that employed 10 to 600 employees. Collected data were analyzed by use of the structural equation modelling. This will allow us to propose a model of influential factors for effective knowledge management. Results of the study will help organizations to better understand critical factors influencing the effectiveness of knowledge management.
Keywords: upravljanje znanja, organizacijska kultura, človeški kapital, menedžment, organizacijske strukture, sestem nagrajevanja, informacijska tehnologija, knowledge management, organizational culture, human capital, management, organizational structure, rewarding system, information technology
Published in RUP: 08.08.2016; Views: 4076; Downloads: 35
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