1. Zasnova in trženje gostinskega obrata : diplomska nalogaTanja Kočar, 2004, undergraduate thesis Keywords: gostinstvo, gostinska ponudba, gostinski obrati, management, marketing, načrtovanje, poslovni načrti, marketinški načrti, tržne analize, tržne raziskave, diplomske naloge Published in RUP: 14.07.2022; Views: 2564; Downloads: 45
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2. Značilnosti organizacije popotniških potovanj : primer organizacije potovanja na KitajskoUroš Žust, 2006, undergraduate thesis Keywords: turizem, potovanja, organiziranje, organizatorji potovanj, popotništvo, popotniki, kalkulacije, tržne raziskave, Kitajska, diplomske naloge Published in RUP: 30.06.2022; Views: 1190; Downloads: 26
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3. Novel food consumptionGabriel Lagunes Martínez, Štefan Bojnec, 2017, scientific monograph Abstract: This research deals with consumers' perceptions about functional, genetically-modified, ethnic, convenience, and organic food. The study was conducted in Maribor amongst women and men aged between 18 and 55 years, divided into four groups. It focused on social, economic, quantitative, and qualitative factors. The data was examined by using Pearson correlation, Chi-square, analysis of variance, Cronbach's alpha, and principal component analysis. The results obtained show that consumers are more concerned about qualitative factors. Organic and ethnic were the more popular foods amongst the polled whilst genetic and convenience had less consumptions. Keywords: hrana, prehrana, nova živila, funkcionalna hrana, gensko spremenjena hrana, organsko pridelana hrana, narodne jedi, vedenjski vzorci, prehrambene navade, tržne raziskave, elektronske knjige Published in RUP: 06.11.2021; Views: 1406; Downloads: 23
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6. The customer marketing method : how to implement and profit from customer relationship managementJay Curry, 2000, manual Abstract: #The #customer marketing method : how to implement and profit from customer relationship management Keywords: potrošnik, motiviranje, vedenje, behaviorizem, intervjuji, tržne raziskave, zagotavljanje kvalitete, pospeševanje prodaje, dobiček, metode, poslovni rezultati, marketing, trženje, management, prodaja, kupci, uporabniki, nakup, zaznavanje, karakterologija, psihologija potrošnika, novi proizvodi Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 4064; Downloads: 152
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7. International marketing researchC. Samuel Craig, Susan P. Douglas, 2000, higher education textbook Abstract: International marketing research Keywords: mednarodno trženje, globalizacija, marketing, trženje, strategija trženja, tržne raziskave, design, poslovno okolje, podatki, baze podatkov, podatkovne strukture, vzorčenje, spremenljivke, hierarhija, merila, razlike, informacijski viri, tehnika, informacijski sistemi Published in RUP: 10.07.2015; Views: 5640; Downloads: 90
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8. Trženje izobraževalnih storitev za managerje : diplomska nalogaAndreja Banič, 2005, undergraduate thesis Keywords: trženje, izobraževalne storitve, strategija trženja, trženjski splet, tržne raziskave, managerske igre, kakovost storitev, zadovoljstvo odjemalcev, diplomska dela Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 4036; Downloads: 143
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9. Trženje inženiring storitevAndrej Rožič, 2005, undergraduate thesis Keywords: trženje, strategija, trženjski splet, tržne raziskave, storitve, inženiring, gradbeništvo, projekti, diplomska dela Published in RUP: 15.10.2013; Views: 5932; Downloads: 108
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