1. Maize to the people! : cultivation, consumption and trade in the north-eastern Mediterranean (sixteenth-nineteenth century)2020, scientific monograph Abstract: This volume is a first attempt at examining one of the most important and yet little-studied aspects of the Colombian exchange: the introduction and diffusion of maize in some countries of Southern Europe. While the potato and its impact on European history have been examined in quite some detail, thanks to a large number of articles and monographs, the same cannot be said for maize - despite the incontrovertible importance this crop has achieved as a foodstuff in many rural areas of the Mediterranean region, as is probably most true of Italy. But even in the case of Italy, after the seminal work of Messedaglia (1927), we can mostly find only short contributions or a few insightful syntheses. However, much the same may be said with regard to other Mediterranean regions and countries since the historiographical 'state of the art' regarding maize is quite similar if not even more scarce. Apart from the generally unsatisfying number of specific regional studies on maize in the earlier stages of its diffusion, one thing is certainly even more true: we lack a comprehensive vision and a comparative perspective on this process that would embrace the whole of Southern Europe. Keywords: ekonomska zgodovina, poljedelstvo, trgovina, Italija, Slovenija, avstrijska Koroška, zgodovinopisje Published in RUP: 02.11.2023; Views: 9504; Downloads: 8 Full text (30,14 MB) |
2. Covid-19 ter trg alpskega in turnega smučanja : zaključna projektna nalogaGregor Bokal, 2023, undergraduate thesis Keywords: smučanje, alpsko smučanje, turno smučanje, koronavirus, pandemija, smučarsko središče, športna trgovina, proizvodno podjetje, smučarji Published in RUP: 09.10.2023; Views: 1037; Downloads: 17 Full text (669,11 KB) |
3. Sprememba procesov organizacije v času covid-19 : zaključna projektna nalogaMonika Preradović, 2022, undergraduate thesis Keywords: covid-19, trgovina, poslovni procesi, sprememba, ovire, organizacije, strategije, motivacija Published in RUP: 31.08.2022; Views: 1772; Downloads: 52 Full text (777,10 KB) |
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9. E-servisni portal v proizvodnem podjetju : diplomska nalogaMarko Peric, 2005, undergraduate thesis Keywords: diplomske naloge, proizvodnja, ekonomičnost, poslovanje, tehnologija, e-servis, strežnik, trgovina Published in RUP: 06.06.2021; Views: 1331; Downloads: 44 Full text (752,30 KB) |
10. Prostitucija in turizem : pravni in varnostni vidikiNina Leskovšek, 2007, undergraduate thesis Keywords: turizem, Slovenija, prostitucija, seks turizem, legalizacija, zakonodaja, varnost, javne hiše, nočni klubi, trgovina z ljudmi, ankete, analize, diplomske naloge Published in RUP: 07.05.2021; Views: 2108; Downloads: 95 Full text (2,36 MB) |